>  No one is crying about it. You don't have to abandon all critical

Wah wah you sound like you're crying to me!

>  How about you get over it and let people talk about what they want to
>  and you don't try and shout them down?

How about I wanna tell you to shut up so SHUT UP

>  I don't think anyone is wishing for the old DEMF, we want a new DEMF
>  that improves. We wanted that even after the first year.

Liar. You want Basic Channel and Juan back. I know how you think.

>  It's quite an assumption to assert the festival has been a loss or a
>  success because of the "fanatic" or popular appeal of the lineup. I

nunh unh it's simple bizness 101

>  but don't underestimate the appeal of an event that let's a population
>  celebrate their own culture.

It's still a big event that happens in Detroit ain't it? That imbues
it with considerable Detroit identity and interest simply by merit of
that fact, I think. Lots of cities have festivals of all sorts that
are popular and many aren't tied to any sort of preeminent culture

>  FWIW 2006 was a super year from all I heard (I didn't make it)...But I
>  heard just as across-the-board that last year was dismal.



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