Unfortunately there is a wide quality variation between different
Coney Island stores, and the one downtown on Woodward is among the
worst.  Keep looking. I tried Googling for the other locations but I
don't find anything useful.

While we're on techno chow, the classic Iowa post-rave meal is to fry
bacon in mass quantities, like 1/2 pound per raver. Down it with giant
glasses of orange juice, and finish it with the last marlboro light in
the crumbled pack.

I've bid au revoir to beef and pork so I can't eat them any more, but

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Michael Kuszynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> nytimes just had an article about how coney island is the best dog the
>  author had. i thought they were absolutely awful and the chilly sent
>  shivers down my intestines.
>  On 4/25/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Any Detroit dishes?  I know the UP has their pasties.  Yum!
>  >
>  > MEK
>  >
>  > John Sokolowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/25/2008 04:22:11 PM:
>  >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > >> so I ask the mailing list: what's your favorite jambalaya recipe? do
>  > > >> you have one? if not, you should. no person should go through life
>  > > >> without sampling this treat of a foodstuff.
>  > >
>  > > Got this from a homie in New Orleans (the home of jambalaya - for
>  > > those who don't know), it's the bomb:
>  > >
>  > > 3 lbs shrimp, butterflied and halved
>  > > 1 lbs sausage
>  > > 1 tbs oil
>  > > 1 tbs butter
>  > > 1 cup onion, chopped
>  > > 1 cup green pepper, chopped
>  > > 1/2 cup celery, chopped
>  > > 2 bay leaves
>  > > 1-16 oz can tomatoes
>  > > 3 cloves garlic, crushed
>  > > 1/4 cup parsley
>  > > 2 cups stock
>  > > 1/2 green onion
>  > > 1 tps thyme
>  > > 1 tps basil
>  > > 1/8 tps cayenne
>  > > 1 tps salt
>  > > 1/2 tps chili powder
>  > > 1 1/2 cup long grain rice
>  > > 1/8 tps cloves
>  > > 1/8 tps all spice
>  > >
>  > > Add oil and butter to stock pot. Add onion, pepper, garlic, and
>  > > celery and sweat til soft. Add shrimp and cook til white. About 5
>  > > min. Remove shrimp, add sausage. Cook til sausage is ready (2 min).
>  > > Add stock, tomatoes, bay leaves, parsley, thyme, basil cayenne,
>  > > salt, cloves, all spice, chili powder and rice. Bring to boil, cover
>  > > and cook under low heat for 20 mins. Add shrimp. Cook for 5 min and
>  > serve.
>  > >
>  > > The prep is kinda pain. Once you get past that, it is just like
>  > > cooking rice. Enjoy with a glass of red wine and some Detroit techno. ;)
>  > > _________________________________________________________________
>  > > In a rush? Get real-time answers with Windows Live Messenger.
>  > > http://www.windowslive.com/messenger/overview.html?
>  > > ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_Refresh_realtime_042008
>  >
>  >
>  --
>  ---
>  Michael Kuszynski
>  http://www.planerecordings.com
>  New York, NY

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