
I'll be interested to hear if this permanently fixes the problem. I'm still 
having random crash on quit errors on 4D Server (16.3HF4, 64-bit). Never a 
problem in version 15, 32-bit. I have never connected crashing to a status 
interface, but in my case it has always run in a separate process. I just made 
a change to ensure that process is dead before QUIT 4D is called on the server. 
Maybe that will completely solve it.

Did you look at the backtrace from the crash log? I would be interested to see 
if we are experiencing the same issue. Below is what I see. I wonder if that is 
related to displaying the countdown timer - I'm quitting with QUIT 4D(60).

Thread 46 Crashed:: QUIT_SERVER (id = -11)
0   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108e88fbc 
V4DClientProcessManager::Clear(bool) + 128
1   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108e8c1eb 
V4DServer::Unpublish() + 87
2   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108e8d1e6 
V4DServer::_Shutdown(xbox::VTime&, xbox::VString const*, xbox::VString const*, 
VDatabaseStartupParameters*, xbox::VUUID const*) + 38
3   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108e8d300 
V4DServer::Shutdown(int, xbox::VString const*, xbox::VString const*, 
VDatabaseStartupParameters*, xbox::VUUID const*) + 120
4   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x000000010915a636 
do_quit4d(runtime4dLink*) + 123
5   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108ce5028 
VDBLanguageContext::ExecuteCommand(runtime4dLink*) + 62
6   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108cd9530 
VDBLanguageContext_compiled::ExecuteRuntimeCommand(int, int, 
champvar_template<256>**) + 94
7   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108afeff1 rt_CallRuntime4D2 + 
8   ???                                 0x000000010e364a43 0 + 4533406275
9   4d.com.Map Server.app               0x000000010907fbcb CallAsmPart2 + 65
10  ???                                 0x000070000051e6e0 0 + 123145307678432
11  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108cd9354 
VDBLanguageContext_compiled::DoExecute(calcblock&, VCodeDescriptor*) + 164
12  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108ce3e18 
VDBLanguageContext::Execute(VDB4DTableProxy*, VFormContext*, short, int, int, 
champvar_template<256>**, VCodeDescriptor*) + 162
13  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108ce3a92 
VDBLanguageContext::ExecuteProjectMethod(VMethodInfo const*, int, 
champvar_template<256>**, VDB4DTableProxy*, VFormContext*, short, int) + 542
14  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108cbd08c 
V4DWorkerMessage::_Execute(VDBLanguageContext*, VFormContext*) + 110
15  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108cbd850 
V4DWorker::Run(V4DTaskConcrete*) + 208
16  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108e97da4 
Task4DStoredMethodProc(V4DTaskConcrete*, xbox::IRefCountable*) + 222
17  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108cb4360 
Task4DProc(V4DTaskConcrete*) + 910
18  4d.com.Map Server.app               0x0000000108cfb6c8 
V4DTaskManager::_Task4DProc(xbox::VTask*) + 160
19  com.4d.kernel                       0x000000010b0b02ee xbox::VTask::_Run() 
+ 78
20  com.4d.kernel                       0x000000010b0b54d6 
xbox::XMacTask_fiber::_ThreadProc(void*) + 70
21  com.4d.kernel                       0x000000010b0ef27f 
xbox::VMacFiber_thread::_ThreadProc(void*) + 31
22  com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore   0x00007fff476e6072 CooperativeThread + 
23  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6e6ba661 _pthread_body + 340
24  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6e6ba50d _pthread_start + 377
25  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6e6b9bf9 thread_start + 13

> On Aug 6, 2018, at 9:26 AM, Randy Jaynes via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Ok. So moving our STARTUP method into a stored procedure using
>       $procID:=New Process(“STARTUP”;512000;”On Server Startup)
> takes care of BOTH problems.
> So it looks like the Application Server process on 4D Server v16R6 and higher 
> is more sensitive to interface related commands like
>       SET MENU BAR
> For the record, this startup method was fine up through 4D v15.4 HF3.

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