We have an answer for our problem, which might help other 4D'ers.

How to avoid .journal problems in dev-build-test cycle.
This is where we run automated, headless builds and tests with multiple
data files, and we don't want them to hang up looking and asking for
journal files.

1. get data file (just .4DD) from customer (it will always have journaling
turned on)
2. open with 4D Server
3. it asks for journal file - click Create
4. when it asks to do backup now, click Cancel (don't do backup)
5. journal file is not created yet
6. go directly to Database Settings > Backup and uncheck the "use journal"
setting - the journal file won't be created now

Data file is now ready for use within our dev/build system where we don't
want journal files active.



On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 3:49 PM Jim Hays <jgha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry I have been silent for a week - tied up with other things.
> One reason for not keeping backups and logs operating in our dev
> environment is that we often run databases in single user mode, and there
> is no automated backup.  If you do a lot of operations on the data, the
> journal just keeps growing.  I suppose we could put some code in for this
> scenario, to always run a backup when it is shut down, and only keep 1
> backup.
> I've found that when we take a copy of a .4DD from a customer, and put it
> on our dev server for testing purposes, the server will ask for the journal
> at startup.
> So the data file knows a journal is in use.
> At that point, we need to disable the journal and backup settings.
> If we don't, and then run our automated build and testing system, we run
> into trouble.
> Just moving the 4DB file over to the "build" folder, brings along the
> requirement for a log file, even though the data file used for the build
> had everything turned off before.
> The automated build is interrupted by the UI looking for a journal file -
> you must pick existing, create, or cancel.
> So the structure file also knows a journal is in use.
> But there are no controls I know to turn it off programmatically, or by
> some xml setting.
> There are also issues if we try to keep all the backup and journal files
> all the time.
> The backup.xml goes with the data.  Each time we get a data file we need
> to get the backup.xml as well, and place it in Preferences\Backup next to
> our structure.
> The backup.xml has a different data file name in it - so in essence, there
> is data information in the 4DB structure folder.
> It's quite likely I'm missing something in all this.
> Maybe a good solution for us will be to just triage any data file that
> comes in before we allow it into the "automated" cycle - whether for
> development or testing.
> Thanks for listening!
> Jim
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 8:42 PM John DeSoi via 4D_Tech <
> 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> > On Mar 25, 2019, at 5:11 PM, Tim Nevels via 4D_Tech <
>> 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > When you are moving data files around between systems, just copy the
>> entire data file folder. That will have the .4DD, .4DIndx, .Match and
>> .journal files. If they are all in the same folder you can open that data
>> file with another structure and it will not ask you for the location of the
>> .journal. The key is to have all these files in the same folder and to
>> always move the entire folder between machines.
>> Having the .journal file next to the database file defeats the main
>> benefit of having the journal. If the drive crashes, you could could
>> recreate the database from the last backup and the journal file (assuming
>> both are on another drive).
>> > Now if you copy that datafile folder back to your development machine,
>> you have to copy the .journal file too. I believe .journal file usage is
>> internally stored in a .4DD, so once you have it set up, they must stay
>> together, or you get the messages you are talking about.
>> If your log file is on a second volume in production and your development
>> machine has only one drive, there is no way to automate the restore of the
>> backup without the log file prompts. I also wanted a fully automated
>> restore with no log file or prompts to allow users to test experimental
>> features. This is possible in every database I'm aware of, except for 4D.
>> See feature request from Jeff Kain and other discussion here:
>> https://forums.4d.com/Post/EN/22296877/1/22296878
>> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
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