I finally got the application to publish to the web using the new SSL
certs. I had to do a couple things:

(1) To test whether or not the encryption was causing an issue, I restored
the last backup of the application and launched the restored, unencrypted
app with the new certs (also made sure the cert files were unencrypted). It
launched without the ‘Access denied’ error on the ‘key.pem’ file but I got
an SSL protocol error in the browser. So…

(2) I created a chained cert.pem file by pasting the intermediate
certificate from DigiCert into the root certificate.

Tada! The URL now resolves to the login page using the new cert.pem and
key.pem files. I'll check in on it periodically to make sure all is well.

Thank you Tim and John for your help!


Rebecca Bryant Williams
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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