Jack Campin wrote:
| ...  A very long time ago (years) I posted an
| example of what such a structure might do: the 9/8 march "Heights of
| Dargai" has the form ABAC DBDC, and I've seen that in a modern book (in
| two staff lines) as
|     [1,2 A  [1,3 B :|
|     [3,4 D  [2,4 C :|
| which was remarkably readable ...

That's wonderful notation! I'm  gonna  have  to  find  some
excuses to use it.

You wouldn't have that tune still around,  would  you?   It
might  make a good example to throw into a test collection.
My abc2ps clone should handle it without problems, but it's
not much of a challenge for a music formatter.  It could be
a good test for a player.

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