Phil taylor writes:
| John Chambers wrote:
| >Phil taylor writes:
| >| * It is very common to see repeats written as:
| >| abc |[1 abc :|[2 cba :|
| >
| >This is done because with most current ABC tools, it's the *only* way
| >to indicate four times through.  It's definitely crappy notation, but
| >it's the best you can do if the software chokes on:
| >      abc |[1,3 abc :|[2,4 cba :|
| No, people use it sloppily where there is only one repeat.

Perhaps; there certainly is a lot of sloppiness.  But  I  and  others
have  used it knowingly, because it's the only way to get a clue onto
the paper that the section is to be played  more  than  twice.   I've
stopped  doing this since I implemented [1,3 and [2,4 endings.  But I
haven't gotten around to upgrading all my files to use this.

| >BTW, where does the 1.6 standard explicitly forbid this final :|?   I
| >don't  seem  to  see anything at all on the topic, only the statement
| >that :| marks the end of a repeated section.  This would  imply  that
| >the  above  notation  is legal, since that bar line *is* the end of a
| >repeated section.
| You are quite right.  I could have sworn that the standard forbade the
| use of :| to terminate the second repeat.  Maybe it was in an earlier
| version of the standard?

I don't think so. The subject of endings and repeats was always quite
sketchy. This isn't really a criticism of Chris, since his effort was
obviously a prototype.  Also, he was mostly  concerned  with  British
Isles  folk music, where there's not a lot of need for such notation.
I do remember noticing right off that the documentation on this  left
a  bit  to  be  desired, and obvious a lot of software didn't do much
with the idea.  But after all  these  years,  and  with  the  growing
interest  in  using  ABC for other kinds of music, it's maybe time we
did something about it.

In any case, the :| at the end of the second ending  is  conventional
when there are 3rd and 4th endings. It makes sense that at the end of
the 2nd ending you'd tell the reader to go back and do it again.  Now
we  just  need the conventional notation to indicate what to play for
the other endings.

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