John Chambers wrote:
>Phil taylor writes:

>| * It is very common to see repeats written as:
>| abc |[1 abc :|[2 cba :|
>| which is wrong (the last repeat should be written as || or |]), and is
>| explicitly forbidden by the 1.6 standard.  At the moment, because it's
>| so common BarFly lets it go without comment, but what should be done
>| here?  Should it be treated as an instruction to repeat the section
>| four times with endings 1,2,1,2, or should it generate an error?
>This is done because with most current ABC tools, it's the *only* way
>to indicate four times through.  It's definitely crappy notation, but
>it's the best you can do if the software chokes on:
>        abc |[1,3 abc :|[2,4 cba :|

No, people use it sloppily where there is only one repeat.

>BTW, where does the 1.6 standard explicitly forbid this final :|?   I
>don't  seem  to  see anything at all on the topic, only the statement
>that :| marks the end of a repeated section.  This would  imply  that
>the  above  notation  is legal, since that bar line *is* the end of a
>repeated section.

You are quite right.  I could have sworn that the standard forbade the
use of :| to terminate the second repeat.  Maybe it was in an earlier
version of the standard?

Phil Taylor

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