| I'm having problems getting the variant ending feature to work for me.
| This works for 1 and 2 being different:
|      "A"A,2A, B,2C |1"D"D3 z3 :||2 "D"D6 |]
| But I can't seem to find a way to indicate 1-3 are the same with 4 being
| different.  I've tried encapsulating it in quotes, brackets, parentheses...
| Am I missing something, or is the ABC standard missing something?

What you're missing is that the ABC standard is  very  sketchy  here,
and  what  you want isn't very widely implemented.  Most abc software
implements only first and second endings.  It turns out that the  abc
standard doesn't say what endings software must handle.  It just says
that the ending notation exists, and gives one  example  that  has  a
first  and  second ending.  Most implementers have taken this to mean
that  they  don't  need  to  implement  anything  else.   Indeed,  in
traditional  folk  music  of the British Isles (which was abc's first
uses), you don't see many alternate endings at all, and you'll search
long  and  hard for a third or fourth ending.  So people working with
that sort of music don't notice that there's something missing.

Since I'm also involved with  styles  like  trad  Scandinavian  music
("How  can  you  possibly  write  music  without  using  3rd  and 4th
endings?"), I made my own clone of abc2ps (jcabc2ps) which implements
endings  like  |1,3 and |1-3 and so on.  I can even do random text in
endings, though that's a different story and is probably worth trying
to get some standards on.

One problem with my doing this, of course, is  that  my  Scand  tunes
tend  to  come out with the endings wrong when you feed them to other
abc tools.  But there's not much I can do about that.  And when we've
discussed  the  topic  in  the  past,  it's  pretty  obvious that the
overwhelming majority consider the subject  boring.   "Who  the  hell
needs THAT?  Let's discuss something interesting instead."

I wonder what other abc tools implement |1,3 and |1-3 now?  Does  any
tool implement any endings beyond this?  One thing I can write is:

   ... :|["Coda" ... |]

To be unambiguous, you would need to use the full syntax  here,  with
the  bracket,  so  that  the  quoted ending text isn't mistaken for a
chord.  But it's sufficient to handle all the cases that I  know  of,
and easy for a program to parse.  I'd have to warn users that this is
an extension of the abc syntax, not supported by any standard that  I
know of, so it probably won't make sense to other abc tools.

One of the things that perhaps qualifies as "broken" in current abc
is that you often see the notation

    |: ...  |1 ... :|2 ... :|

This prints out just like you'd expect, with a repeat  symbol  before
the 2nd ending and also at the end of the section. This is often used
as a kludge to hint that the section should  be  played  four  times,
because  this  is  actually  accepted  by  most abc software.  But it
produces a real musical disaster when you put  the  music  on  stands
before  a  group of musicians.  Half the group will notice that final
repeat and go back for the 3rd time through the  phrase.   The  other
half  will  either not notice it, or will treat it as an obvious typo
(because the ending brackets clearly say that the  phrase  is  to  be
done  exactly twice), and will barge ahead.  The music then collapses
on the floor and you have to stop and  explain  that,  yes,  this  is
atrocious notation, but it's all that the software will permit.

This example really should be:

    |: ...  |1,3 ... :|2,4 ... :|

Unfortunately, very few abc programs accept this.  It's not an actual
violation  of  the  standard.   But the standard doesn't say that abc
programs have to handle this, so most don't.

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