Irwin Oppenheim wrote:

> So if "*" serves as the !break! command, what symbol
> could we use for the !nobreak! command that was
> proposed by Laura?

        Well, if " \ " is the symbol for continuation, which tells
the program "Don't feel you have to put a linebreak here,"
you could have " \\ " for "and I really mean it."

        But there is a principle we're running into, now that free symbols
are so scarce:  something like " \\ " is easy to type and quite visible,
so one might want to save it for something which will be used a lot. I
suspect a no-linebreak won't get much general use, tho people who use it
at all might use it a lot.  This would make it a candidate for a directive
something like


which will, of course be used this way:

        U:N = whatever-you-do-please-don't-break-the-line-here

        ... |abc def| N
        ABC DEF|...

John Walsh
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