On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 01:00:26AM +0000, John Chambers wrote:
> Richard Robinson writes:
> | But, one little thought occurred to me, re the much-discussed and
> | little-agreed "!" staff-break. With no prejudice as to whether this ought
> | to exist, etc etc (except that, the more I think about it, the more I'd
> | like it, so, if it helps ...) it needn't conflict with the !decoration!
> | notation at all. Generalising from all the given examples of this, they
> | don't any of them contain any whitespace. Even if they did, maybe it
> | would be acceptable to say that such ornament-names may not begin with
> | whitespace, ie that there should be no whitespace between the opening
> | "!" and the first symbol of the ornament-name ?
> | And I can't think of any way in which whitespace following a "!"
> | staff-break could have any implications for the music (?? go on,
> | someone ...), so I think these 2 constructions could be mixed, on the
> | same line of text, without any ambiguity, by including spaces after
> | staff-breaks if necessary. It would be a slight restriction on
> | flexibility of abc layout, but that's the worst (only) catch I can
> | think of, and it would get round the conflict.
> That would be a good idea, if we could get abc2win modified
> to  follow  it.

That's a "No", then ?

>                   The  examples tossed out recently include
> several with a ! in the middle without any  adjacent  white
> space.  I especially liked the one that had ... :|!: ....

grin. That's ingenious. Not even :|!|: ?

Yes; but if people were told it might need a space after it to clarify
things, if they were mixing it with !decorations!, maybe they'd see the
point ?

> I also wonder if !da Capo! is an approved  annotation.   If
> not,  it  should  be  (along  with  !d.C.!).  Of course, it
> doesn't start with a space.  But I can easily  see  abc2win
> generating  at  least the "!da Ca" portion.  People writing
> parsers will look at this and groan.  Far too  much  ad-hoc
> lookahead for a dumb parser.

Yes; and no. It only starts to become a problem if there's more than
one ! in a line of text ? And if there are 2, even the p and the o
wouldn't resolve it, since they could have been U:'d as ornaments.
So a space after a ! would be necessary (and sufficient) if there's
more than one ! in a line ...

I'm not sure if !da Capo! exists, either, but I'd think it ought to, if
any of them do. People could well want to write it.

> Of course, traditional music notation is about as ad-hoc  a
> language as you'll find.  (Except for Intercal.  Maybe. ;-)

I'm suddenly, for I don't-know-what reason, reminded of the 
Ada fed Gabe a bad cabbage 
thread, of several years back.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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