On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 11:14:50AM +0000, John Chambers wrote:
> David Webber writes:
> |
> | Forgive me if this has been suggested before but could not a double
> |
> | !!
> |
> | be used to indicate a line break.   This would be consistent with
> | the !whatever! usage with absence of any characters indicating a
> | line break.
> |
> | It still leaves existing files as a problem for software to read,
> | but there's no way 100% certain round that, especially with some of
> | the examples given :-(
> This wouldn't work.  It would require that Jim Vint change abc2win to
> work  this  way.   But  if  he were willing to do that, he would have
> already changed abc2win to work like the abc standard  says,  and  we
> wouldn't have a problem.  So we'd end up with some files using !! for
> breaks, others (those from abc2win)  using  !,  while  others  (those
> using  the  od  standard) using newlines.  That would be even messier
> than the current situation.
> Solutions that require a change in abc2win aren't solutions at all.

So all we can do is, find all abc programs that aren't being maintained,
and document the common subset :(

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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