David Webber writes:
| Forgive me if this has been suggested before but could not a double
| !!
| be used to indicate a line break.   This would be consistent with
| the !whatever! usage with absence of any characters indicating a
| line break.
| It still leaves existing files as a problem for software to read,
| but there's no way 100% certain round that, especially with some of
| the examples given :-(

This wouldn't work.  It would require that Jim Vint change abc2win to
work  this  way.   But  if  he were willing to do that, he would have
already changed abc2win to work like the abc standard  says,  and  we
wouldn't have a problem.  So we'd end up with some files using !! for
breaks, others (those from abc2win)  using  !,  while  others  (those
using  the  od  standard) using newlines.  That would be even messier
than the current situation.

Solutions that require a change in abc2win aren't solutions at all.

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