On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 08:47:27PM +0100, Phil Taylor wrote:
> John Chambers wrote:
> >
> >that  it  would  be  nice  if  a  transcriber  could  write
> >something like:
> >
> >K:?Adorian
> >
> >This would mean that the transcriber is guessing  the  key.
> >The software would just ignore the '?', of course, and give
> >^f as the signature.  But it would warn interested  readers
> >(humand  and  software) that the transcriber had some doubt
> >about the accuracy of the key.
> >
> >Implementing this would be easy for most abc software: Just
> >ignore the '?'.
> Unnecessary.  You can already write:
> K: Adorian %?
> but nobody does.  People who get the mode wrong are mostly
> not aware of their errors, and don't question their mode decisions
> as long as it gets the right key signature.

True. But what about us pedants who aren't sure they've got it right ?


Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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