I have been told (BTW) by the patch management tool folks that still support customers that buy NT patches -- that their main customers that buy NT patches from Microsoft are banks and financial institutions.

Consider as well that when I walk into Bank of America they are running DOS based apps.

I wouldn't use "banks" as a shining example of security policy...when BofA has

1.  allowed slammer to nail their ATM networks
2.  Lost backup tapes causing identity theft

as two such shining examples of security policy in action.

Who's going to be on the firing line when something happens? Bank of America? Or your buns?

If it's your buns, are your comfortable with not changing passwords?

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP] wrote:
I have been involved in externally facing Microsoft sponsored extranet/Sharepoint sites.

The password gets changed.

We have a GUI web portal and we are forced to change the password.
Sales people set your security policy these days?

Ramon Linan wrote:
I have a SharePoint site for a client, it is driving me crazy because the sales people are telling me that the users for this site, cant have their password expiring. The client is a government agency, so I don't want to be responsible for any information being stolen. How big of a security risk is not having password expiring? it seems to me like security 101, but the sales guy is saying that banks don't ask you to change your password every X day, good point. Something I was thinking is having SharePoint authenticating with their LDAP server, is this possible to do? can anybody point to a url on how to do this? thanks Rezuma

Letting your vendors set your risk analysis these days? http://www.threatcode.com

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