I think the obvious case is when a newhire account is created and the 
person decides not to come to work for the company. This can happen even 
if an offer letter has been accepted because we as human beings are free 
to choose where we work, and even change our minds if we want to =) Not 
creating the account ahead of the newhires arrival usually means at least 
a work day has been wasted, and over a large organization those workdays 
really add up. Of course HR practices means these should get caught and a 
term notice should be processed, but in the real world HR and the hiring 
manager will often forget the paperwork for fairly long periods of time.

Andrew Fidel

"Al Mulnick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
12/26/2006 12:06 PM
Please respond to


Re: [ActiveDir] Automatic user disable based on criteria

All of this assumes that the process doesn't need to be adjusted - I keep 
asking myself why a process exists to allow for the creation of an account 
that isn't used?  That's really the root of this. After that, I have to 
wonder why the various processes aren't coordinated amongst themselves 
such as password resets, forgotten passwords, new account creation and 
others all being aware of one another? 
I think your example helps to add more information that can be used in the 
decision and I agree that if you're going to base the decision on the idea 
of when it was created and assume that because the password was changed 
[x] amount of time after the creation of the item but NOT less than [y] 
amount of time has elapsed, that it's going to be fairly reasonable to 
assume that the helpdesk (or?) has intervened and you should consider 
revisions to your hiring processes. 
I disagree that this is enough information to make me happy though :)
I think it's a fairly good assumption, but I would much prefer to loop in 
the process and thinking described in a separate thread related to 
helpdesk resetting passwords (auditing, web pages, other systems, etc) and 
use that information as a flag in an account removal process.  It's a sure 
thing that if the helpdesk hasn't reset the password since it was created 
that the account wasn't used if the password also hasn't been set, right? 
You have a week so it's not like this needs to be real-time.  It could, 
but doesn't have to be. 
Happy New Year to you and the others as well* 
[*] Unless this isn't the New Year for you, in which case, have a great 

On 12/24/06, joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
I didn't read the whole chain of responses, I was just skimming and saw 
these questions
"Hey joe, is there a way to see replication meta data using adfind? ;-) 
If yes, I could take a peek at originating date/time for attributes."
Yes it can show you the metadata from AD (assuming K3+) and that metadata 
does indeed contain originating write into. 
Now that I have read it... To solve the specific issue that I read; find 
enabled users who haven't changed their passwords and logged in the period 
defined, you can use the metadata to help with that decision. Obviously 
having DFL2 would help as well. Neither in and of themselves I think would 
be authoritative on their own except in specific cases. 
The problem with DFL2 and lastLogonTimeStamp is that not everything sets 
that value. Try a simple LDAP bind sometime, it doesn't update lastLogon 
so it in turn doesn't update lastLogonTimeStamp. It will, however, update 
it if a bad auth attempt occurred prior. I never bugged that as I assume 
it is by design as it is very specific and it helps cut the overhead of 
the auth attempts which the simple bind is supposed to be helping with. 
That way apps that do a ton of simple binds don't cause a ton of writes to 
a DC. 
So how would this be done? Well obviously you can't query the metadata, it 
is constructed. So you need a query to give you an initial roundabout set 
to work with that you can test further. I would do something like 
(&(samaccounttype=805306368)(pwdlastset=0)(whencreated<=7 days). 
(&(samaccounttype=805306368)(pwdlastset=0)(whencreated>=[date 7 days 
Obviously that last field would need to be generated at the time of the 
query being run. So now you have a list of possibles... You could give up 
here and reasonably assume that everything is fine and take on the 
resulting help desk calls. I wouldn't have much if any issue with this 
method unless it had already been proven there was too much collateral 
damage. I would have to decide whether I wanted to be more concerned about 
the method or the fact that new people need to be reset again so soon 
which likely indicates a process issue or overly agressive password policy 
or underly agressive hiring policy. 
So you decide you need to be more fine tuned... So you look at metadata. 
Right off if the unicodePwd version is 1 then the password has never been 
changed and that is as authoritative as it is going to get. You definitely 
know this person has NEVER changed that password. However, the obverse is 
not true, you cannot assume that if the version is higher than 1 that the 
password HAS been changed. The password versioning can vary based on the 
creation method. Here is the metadata from two accounts created in three 
different ways: 
[Sun 12/24/2006 11:42:20.45]
G:\>repadmin /showmeta CN=al-testuser0,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=loc r2dc1
31 entries.
Loc.USN                          Originating DC   Org.USN  Org.Time/Date   
  Ver Attribute
=======                          =============== ========= =============   
  === ========= 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 objectClass
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC1    441322 2006-12-24 
10:53:01    1 cn
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 description 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 instanceType
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 whenCreated
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    2 displayName 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 nTSecurityDescriptor
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 name
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    3 userAccountControl 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 codePage
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 countryCode
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 homeDirectory 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 homeDrive
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    2 dBCSPwd
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 scriptPath 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 logonHours
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 userWorkstations
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    2 unicodePwd 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    2 ntPwdHistory
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    2 pwdLastSet
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 primaryGroupID 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406850 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 supplementalCredentials
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 userParameters
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 profilePath 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 objectSid
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406848 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 comment
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    2 accountExpires 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406849 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    2 lmPwdHistory
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 sAMAccountName
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 sAMAccountType 
 441322            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406847 2006-12-24 
10:53:00    1 objectCategory
0 entries.
Type    Attribute     Last Mod Time Originating DC  Loc.USN Org.USN Ver
======= ============  ============= ================= ======= ======= ===
        Distinguished Name
[Sun 12/24/2006 11:42:28.25]
G:\>repadmin /showmeta CN=al-testuser1,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=loc r2dc1
22 entries.
Loc.USN                          Originating DC   Org.USN  Org.Time/Date   
  Ver Attribute
=======                          =============== ========= =============   
  === ========= 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 objectClass
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC1    441326 2006-12-24 
10:53:54    1 cn
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 instanceType 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 whenCreated
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 nTSecurityDescriptor
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 name 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 userAccountControl
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 codePage
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 countryCode 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 dBCSPwd
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 logonHours
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 unicodePwd 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 ntPwdHistory
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 pwdLastSet
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 primaryGroupID 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406858 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 supplementalCredentials
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 objectSid
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 accountExpires 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406857 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 lmPwdHistory
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 sAMAccountName
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 sAMAccountType 
 441326            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406856 2006-12-24 
10:53:53    1 objectCategory
0 entries.
Type    Attribute     Last Mod Time Originating DC  Loc.USN Org.USN Ver
======= ============  ============= ================= ======= ======= ===
        Distinguished Name
[Sun 12/24/2006 11:42:31.05]
G:\>repadmin /showmeta CN=al-testuser2,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=loc r2dc1
24 entries.
Loc.USN                          Originating DC   Org.USN  Org.Time/Date   
  Ver Attribute
=======                          =============== ========= =============   
  === ========= 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 objectClass
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC1    441354 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    1 cn
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 instanceType 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 whenCreated
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 displayName
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 nTSecurityDescriptor 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 name
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406900 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    4 userAccountControl
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406895 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 codePage 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406895 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 countryCode
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406896 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    2 dBCSPwd
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406895 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 logonHours 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406896 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    2 unicodePwd
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406896 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    2 ntPwdHistory
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406898 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    3 pwdLastSet 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406895 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 primaryGroupID
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406897 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    1 supplementalCredentials
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 objectSid 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406895 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 accountExpires
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406896 2006-12-24 
11:26:15    2 lmPwdHistory
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 sAMAccountName 
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 sAMAccountType
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 userPrincipalName
 441354            Default-First-Site-Name\R2DC2    406894 2006-12-24 
11:26:14    1 objectCategory 
0 entries.
Type    Attribute     Last Mod Time Originating DC  Loc.USN Org.USN Ver
======= ============  ============= ================= ======= ======= ===
        Distinguished Name
One was created with NET USER, one with ADUC, and one with AdMod. The 
accounts aren't configured identically but they are close enough for what 
we are talking about her. You will note that unicodePwd value is 1 on the 
AdMod example and 2 for the others. This can vary based on whatever tool 
is used and how it handles various items. So obviously the version number 
is out the window of something to look at because we are doing all of this 
to try and reduce assumptions. So looking at all of that data, the first 
thing that sticks out to me to use would be to look at the date/time stamp 
between objectCategory which cannot be changed and unicodePwd which is the 
value we care about. I believe you can safely assume here that if the 
values are within seconds of each other the user has not had an 
opportunity to set their own password yet. 
Merry Christmas to everyone who leans that way, Happy Holidays to everyone 
who doesn't. 
   take care and let's look forward to a good and profitable 2007,
O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition - 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2006 9:12 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Automatic user disable based on criteria

I have the distinct impression that Kamlesh is trying to solve a layer 8 
problem with lower layer components. :)
I think it's very interesting that those attributes can show when it was 
last changed, but I have to ask: will that show the difference between 
what was changed? Is it possible to differentiate between phone number 
updates and the helpdesk action described? 
I haven't used those attributes to make decisions on in the past, so bear 
with me but a quick lookup indicates that those values show that an object 
was updated and who updated it.  Is that going to be enough information to 
make an automated decision? Or do you need some other information to 
absolutely identify good from not-so-good targets? 
I'm curious if this is something that high-tech should be used to solve 
vs. using a different process/low-tech solution. 

On 12/23/06, joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Yes actually adfind can show you metadata... Look at the attributes
I actually have a DCR for AdFind (submitted by me which means it for sure 
will get done) that will display that info in a better way than that XML 
format they use. When it does, it will also use the binary format of the 
attribute so it won't be so slow nor require as much network bandwidth.  
O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition - 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kamlesh Parmar
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 12:19 PM 
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Automatic user disable based on criteria 

Hi All,
DFL & FFL : Win2k-Native
DCs : Win2k3-SP1
User accounts are automatically provisioned as enabled with "Change 
Password at Next logon". And management wants to disable new accounts 
which have not logged into domain within next 7 days of creation. And they 
want it to happen automatically. 
I have problem at hand as I can't use LastLogonTimeStamp as DFL is not 
supportive. I can't connect to each DC and search for lastlogon as number 
of DCs are too large, can't go by "whenchanged", as that is generic 
attribute, which could get changed for any other attribute also. 
Any other attribute would help me?
Currently LDAP filter checks for account created on specific day (say 
current day - 7) and whose "Change Password at next logon" is still ticked 
i.e. pwdlastset=0
But this doesn't take care of scenario, where users are created on that 
same day (current - 7) and logged into network, changed their password, 
but around the time of running script, had forgotten password and helpdesk 
had resetted their password and set "Change Password at next logon" 
I hope I am not confusing you all. :-)
I know, simple solution would be to change criteria to say 15 days, raise 
DFL and use LLTS, but I am taking this as a scripting challenge at 
Win2k-native DFL.
Hey joe, is there a way to see replication meta data using adfind? ;-)
If yes, I could take a peek at originating date/time for attributes.

You teach best what you most need to learn.

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