So I've noticed a slide recently of what I would consider 'Email Etiquette' Customers send an email with no subject line. Or reply to an old email, with a new topic. EG: our billing system sends out automated invoices. A customer will just reply to one of those emails, weeks later, with a service issue. Doesn't bother to change the subject line or anything. Another common email is just an email with the text "my internet is down" No name/address/phone, anything else identifiable. sometimes the email they use is in our system and we can find it that way, other times not.

At some point I must have learned how to use email, I'm guessing people no longer learn that.

And don't get me started on the people that text the main office number. I mean, we do get the SMS messages, but again, usually it's just a text like 'Internet is not working' With nothing else to know who it is.

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