OK, within 24 hours I had power cycled all the affected GPS receivers, but it 
was not my impression the problem was resolving itself without intervention.  I 
had 2 sites that I had failed to connect up the remote access so I had to go to 
the site, but the last one was just under the 24 hour mark and was still 
FUBARed.  Also I had RackInjectors, which make the status immediately clear 
with the map of red for GLONASS and green for GPS, showing something like 7 or 
8 GLONASS sats and 0 GPS sats.


Could it be that some positional discrepancy caused the module to decide the 
GPS sats were sending faulty data and to disregard them?


And if you want to engage in conspiracy theories, maybe the DOD purposely 
messed with the GPS sat signals anticipating a N. Korea missile launch as the 
promised end of year surprise?  Although I would expect N. Korea to use 
Russian, Chinese or European sats to guide their missiles before they would use 
U.S. sats.  Also I’m not sure N. Korea has demonstrated precision guidance yet, 
although that’s something they would have to develop if they want to hit Wash. 
DC or Mar a Lago.



From: AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> On Behalf Of Forrest Christian (List Account)
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 1:46 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mass GPS issues


Many modern GPS modules don't really make any distinction between the glonass 
and the GPS satellites, they just treat them as multiple timing sources in the 
grand scheme of things, and use them all as part of the solution.  So when 
adding a constellation you basically just get more satellites to choose from, 
not any real additional redundancy.   It's not like you typically have two 
separate receivers operating independently.   


My current have-been-writing-firmware-for-years wild ass guess is that 
something happened at 4pm which caused an internal software failure, which 
cleared this afternoon for some reason.  I'm still working through 
possibilities, having headed down a couple of dead ends so far.


On Wed, Jan 1, 2020 at 10:05 PM George Skorup <gsko...@surfairwireless.us 
<mailto:gsko...@surfairwireless.us> > wrote:

Yes. Most sites were tracking either zero or 1-2 GLONASS sats until they all 
suddenly came back this afternoon.


GLONASS was not tracking nearly as many sats during the PRN#29 event either, or 
we wouldn't have had so many issues. We had many RackInjectors showing a 2D 
lock and no timing pulse. 2 GLONASS sats and one GPS sat tracked 
intermittently. Same with a handful of ePMP APs that also needed reboots to 
clear the GPS error. So much for multi-GNSS fault tolerance.


Why did both of these things happen at the same time? Coincidence or conspiracy?


On Wed, Jan 1, 2020 at 9:18 PM Nate Burke <n...@blastcomm.com 
<mailto:n...@blastcomm.com> > wrote:

No user intervention on my part.

Visible satellites returned to normal levels over a few hours this 
morning.   Tracked satellites returned to normal suddenly at 3pm CST 
(21:00 UTC)

Everyone else see something similar?  All my data is from EPMP 1k, 2k, 
3k radios.  They all did the same thing at the same time.

On 1/1/2020 11:14 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
> Look through this Twitter account and the replies to the tweets for more 
> information on yesterday's GPS outage.
> https://twitter.com/GalileoSats/status/1212337302460080130?s=19
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> Midwest Internet Exchange
> The Brothers WISP
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eric Muehleisen <ericm...@gmail.com>
> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com 
> <mailto:af@af.afmug.com> >
> Sent: Tue, 31 Dec 2019 15:17:39 -0600 (CST)
> Subject: [AFMUG] mass GPS issues
> Anyone else having GPS issues this afternoon? Nearly every tower I have
> across western Kansas is having GPS issues. Start around 3pm CST.

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- Forrest

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