I've been in a whole lotta tech companies. Before I settled down into wispdom I think the final count was 26 ( some at the same time, highest count 4 ). Nuc engineers are some of the best, some mostly populated by phd's ( medical company that ate itself alive after inventing pulse ox ) Give me a bunch of practical engineers that learned on a farm any day of the year. They might be missing a finger tip or more, but they know how to get stuff done and not chase phantoms. They know how to get others to do the math if it's beyond them and then make a practical application of it. Most of all they learned how to be hungry, for knowledge, for success, for company of others like them. They share because they know what they put out there comes back 10 fold. They like the accolades of those that have also btdt. They like a dollar that they honestly earned over that which just shows up. They like to "beat" the system. Google will eventually eat itself alive, they just had a huge runway to gather speed before gliding off and sputtering.

On 03/30/2020 09:42 AM, Brian Webster wrote:
Having had to deal with Google on their Fiber builds in California...... I can 
attest to that. Rooms full of 30 somethings who talk to themselves and believe 
their own hype. Try to tell them about any reality and they just say, we are 
Google that can't stop us...... They learned that their name was not the magic 
word. Those pesky zoning, building and pole engineering requirements didn't 
know who Google was......and they really didn't care either.

Thank you,
Brian Webster

-----Original Message-----
From: AF [mailto:af-boun...@af.afmug.com] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2020 7:44 PM
To: af@af.afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT an honest query

Truth is always the funniest!

On 3/29/20 3:50 PM, ch...@wbmfg.com wrote:
Now THAT is funny.

-----Original Message----- From: Robert Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2020
3:40 PM To: af@af.afmug.com Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT an honest query
Or...    "Why Google fails at so many new projects..."

On 3/29/20 2:31 PM, Larry Smith wrote:
On Sun March 29 2020 14:49, can...@believewireless.net wrote:
And we all know plenty of people with advanced degrees and perfect GPAs
that went no where.
We used to call them paper tigers, loads of degrees and certifications,
but could not do the actual job.

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