I would argue that sometimes the correct compromise is actually for one
side to realize they were wrong and to abandon the practice.  Murder,
Slavery, etc.

I also realize that often these are the types of compromises which don't
happen without forceful action.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020, 7:18 PM Adam Moffett <dmmoff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What would be the reasonable compromise between one caveman's right to
> kill and other's not to be killed?
> Perhaps "kill whoever you want on Sunday, otherwise no killing"
> On 7/20/2020 7:29 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
> Since this doesn't really reply to anyone's specific points, I figured I'd
> just post this separately in the thread.
> I've recently realized that pretty much all of the conflicts we see are
> where two sides 'rights' come in conflict with each other.
> Back before there were rules, I'm sure there was one group that thought
> killing other humans was just fine and it was their right.  Another group
> just wanted to live their lives without being worried about being killed by
> other humans, and it was their right to do so.   When those groups came in
> conflict their 'rights' didn't match so a rule had to be made - in this
> case, 'the right to live is more important than the right to kill others'.
>  So we now have laws against murdering others.
> What I think people miss is that 'rights' are really nothing but a
> construction of societal norms and laws built up over years.   You have the
> right to not be killed (life).   But it could have just as easily been "you
> have a right to kill anything you want, including other humans".   Of
> course, I have a feeling that a society with that as a right might not have
> a long lifecycle...
> As time has progressed, more and more things have moved into the realm of
> 'rights'.   Right to free speech, right to peacefully assemble, and so on.
> In our current situation, there seem to be several 'rights' being fought
> over right now.   Whether my desire to not wear a mask is more important
> than the desire of society to reduce the transmission of a virus.   Whether
> the color of your skin should determine if you are more or less likely to
> be shot or abused by a police officer in some areas.    And on and on and
> on.
> If you look at the civil rights movement, a lot of the protests (peaceful
> or violent) came about where 'rights' were in conflict.   For example,
> the rights of black people to be non-segregated vs the rights of the white
> people to not want black people to share their facilities/businesses.   At
> some point, there is going to be conflict and disagreement.   In an ideal
> society, one would hope that you could come to an agreement that both sides
> would at least be equally unhappy about without resorting to protests and
> civil disobedience.   But when you're the party who's perceived rights are
> being trampled on, it's kinda hard to get the people who are doing the
> trampling to listen, since you'd end up trampling on their rights if things
> changed.   In this circumstance, often some sort of protest or refusal to
> go along with the societal norms is unfortunately needed to bring the topic
> up to the light.  Thus you saw the lunch counter sit-ins and the freedom
> riders and similar.
> The ignition for a lot of the current events seems to be the George Floyd
> death.  This is obviously a conflict between the perceived rights the
> police officers believed they had, and the right of a black man to not be
> killed at the hands of those officers.  And obviously, this has been
> bubbling under the surface for some time.   There are a lot of these types
> of conflicts going on right now... one doesn't have to look very far to
> find some.
> I think to bring this back to another point of this discussion made by
> others, it seems like a lot of this country has lost the ability to stop
> and listen to both sides to understand what 'right' it is that the other
> side thinks is more important than your right you're not happy with being
> curtailed.    And to come to some sort of reasonable agreement.
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