I'm not 100% sure what I want, I mean, this phone system setup has probably been in place for 25 years without being touched.  I doubt the customer can Even tell me, they just know how to push a button and it 'works'  they probably don't even know what it does.  Does it actually page?  Does an incoming call ring over the intercom?  Who knows, they probably just 'hear the ring'  and go answer the phone. Where does the ring come from?

Luckily it's a greenhouse/nursery, and I told them that they need to get the new system installed now so we can get it all working the way they want before the spring rush.

On 12/27/2020 11:24 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

Probably UNA = Universal Night Answering

Guessing now, at night it would ring over the intercom and the night watchman/receptionist/etc could answer the call from any phone by dialing a feature code.

Not sure now to answer your questions though.  Is the customer asking for a night answering capability?  You’d think these days that need would be met in a different way, like send incoming calls to voicemail/email or a cellphone outside of business hours.  Even the idea of speakers with music and pages seems very old-timey.  I guess I see it in grocery stores, with music and announcements like “cleanup in aisle 6”.

*From:*AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> *On Behalf Of *Nate Burke
*Sent:* Sunday, December 27, 2020 10:57 AM
*To:* af@af.afmug.com
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Old Phone Question

So I actually need a device which would ACCEPT the dialtone/ring and that would go on the Page Tip/Page Ring contacts.  Any Idea what UNA Ringing is?  Googling just returns a bunch of Spanish results.  Would that broadcast the phone ringing sound over the PA?  So connect a normal FXS Port to that?

On 12/23/2020 2:34 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:

    If you configure an ATA that will actually draw dial tone from a
    POTS line, then it will work with this paging adapter.  I think
    that would be an FXS config.  FXO would give you dial tone from
    the ATA. Been a very long time since I use the linksys/cisco spa
    products to extend dial tone over the internet, but they seemed to
    work fine.

    *From:*Daniel White

    *Sent:*Wednesday, December 23, 2020 1:23 PM

    *To:*AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group ; Nate Burke

    *Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] Old Phone Question

    Algo (https://www.algosolutions.com/
    <https://www.algosolutions.com/>) and CyberData
    <https://www.cyberdata.net/collections/sip>) are the go to brands
    for paging equipment that is SIP compatible along with adapters. 
    Viking Electronics (https://www.vikingelectronics.com/
    <https://www.vikingelectronics.com/>) does make a number of items
    that make it easy to work with old paging systems.  I didn't look
    at the manual, but the RAD-1A
    <https://www.vikingelectronics.com/products/rad-1a/>) from Viking
    is probably what you are looking for paired with an ATA.

    Depending on the layout and configuration of what you are working
    with you can do certain things with a standard ATA (usually just
    FXS ports) and certain things with an ATA with an FXO port (these
    usually have FXS ports as well).

    As far as Atheral goes... I won't support trying to jury rig an
    ATA into these situations typically just because they can be
    finicky and I can't see how someone is installing something. 
    Although some ATA manufacturers have different terms for
    configurations that _should_ do what you want, in my experience
    they typically don't behave the way I'd expect.  Algo, CyberData,
    and Viking make all of this stuff simple so it is just better to
    go that route.



    *Daniel White

    *phone:*+1 (702) 470-2770
    *direct:*+1 (702) 470-2766

        Nate Burke

        December 22, 2020 at 17:02

        So I'm not saying it's old.... but this was put in when I was
        still in High School

        Valcom V-2001 paging system.  I'm looking to convert the
        driving phone system over to VoIP.

        I've found the manual here.

        It references terms I'm not familiar with.  It says
        'Compatible with Any Electronic Key or PABX'  Does that mean
        that I can use an ATA to plug into it?  Or is this something

        There are currently wires hooked up to contacts labeled 'Page
        Tip/Page Ring'  And 'UNA Ringing' (2 wires)  I"m guessing Page
        Tip/ring are the 2 wires that would run to the ATA, but what
        is UNA Ringing?

        Anybody hooked one of these up to an ATA before?


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