Very often, use it weekly if not every other day or so.
Hit rate is about 100% of things that actually exist in my email.
As Adam stated, sometimes get "false" positives if I do not
specify the search very well (ask for anything that contains radio
in the body and you get a LOT of hits)...

Everything (just about) that I have is in folders.  And some folders
of folders (EG: This list is under a Maildir folder labeled 0-Lists.
There are currently 32 other folders inside that one (ietf, nanog, cisco-nsp, 

 In my case we do a lot of gov (local, county, 911, etc) support and I often
have to go back one, two or even three and four years and "remind"
them what was discussed and what we agreed to do (or not)...

Larry Smith

On Wed September 17 2014 09:26, Adam Moffett via Af wrote:
> How often do you guys go back and find something from your 40-90 gigs of
> email?  When you did need something, how successful were you at finding
> it?  I gave up trying to keep everything after realizing that I almost
> never wanted anything older than 6 months, and if I did then it took an
> inordinate amount of effort to find it.
> I sort important things into folders....if I didn't sort it then it
> probably wasn't important. Everything in my inbox older than 6 months
> gets deleted.

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