We have a 3.65 450 customer at 6.8 miles at a -62 using a KP dish shooting 
through a tree, albeit mesquite, but may need to double check your down tilt 
and how far off you are in regards to the degree of the AP antenna. It's 
running 8x/8x with 93% efficiency. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 21, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Craig House via Af <af@afmug.com> wrote:
> Longest shot we have made work is 4.7 with a kP  dish.   -73 but link tests 
> are not that great. 83/73 and it is in 4x    I'm planning on removing all our 
> 3.65 450 gear and going with 2.4 450.  The power is much better but migration 
> from FSK 2.4 is a bigger pain 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 21, 2014, at 12:14, Ken Hohhof via Af <af@afmug.com> wrote:
>> We did a bare SM the other day 0.6 miles –58 and 8X in a 10 MHz channel, 
>> that tells me we can go a lot farther without a dish, probably 1.5 miles or 
>> more.  Or are you talking about through trees?  I have not been impressed 
>> with performance through trees, even with a dish.  But I’m not happy with 
>> –80 and 4X, I don’t want to eat up all the capacity on such an expensive 
>> piece of gear with just a few subs.  And I don’t want customers calling 
>> every time the leaves get wet or covered with snow.
>> At some point I think we’ll see something similar to the Force100 but for 
>> now it’s a dish or a connectorized SM with a panel.  When I asked about a 
>> Stinger/CLIP type of product, I was told the size at 2.4 or 3.65 GHz get too 
>> big or else the gain isn’t worth it.
>> From: CBB - Jay Fuller via Af
>> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2014 11:58 AM
>> To: af@afmug.com
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 3.65 pmp450 results - was Dear Cambium
>> We didn't get very far without a dish ; what are you seeing in terms of how 
>> far you can get before you have a dish?
>> Are you using a dish with most, or is there a stinger available or something 
>> "mid-term" ?
>> Must be honest, we haven't tried the dish yet.  Need to very soon as fall is 
>> basically here...
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Milholen via Af
>> To: af@afmug.com
>> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2014 11:34 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Dear Cambium
>> Chris,
>> We are rockin 3.65 450 AB channels replacing 90% of our 900 subs. Migration 
>> is taking time due to cap X.
>> I took down our first 900AP which was our first aP900 installed last week.
>>> On 9/19/2014 4:34 PM, Christopher Tyler via Af wrote:
>>> I love the 450, 450 is awesome, but 90% of our subs are on 900 MHz, what do 
>>> we do there, where is our upgrade path, what is the replacement for PMP100 
>>> in 900 MHz?  
>>> We have no alternative to 900 for most of our customers where we are, too 
>>> many hills and trees.  We are still deploying 900 MHz radios in large 
>>> quantities simply because we can't use anything else.  Sure would be nice 
>>> to have an easy way to configure those radios, we (Animal Farm) have only 
>>> been asking for that feature for the last 8 years, not like they didn't 
>>> know about it or have the time to figure it out.  Now they are giving it to 
>>> us, but only on a platform where we don't really need it yet.
>>> While I understand that PMP100 is somewhat antiquated, Cambium is still 
>>> making money on it and will continue to make money on it, so why not give 
>>> us at least some development beyond bug fixes at least until there is a 900 
>>> replacement?  Why not a 450 in 900 MHz that's using the newer hardware but 
>>> still only 2x modulation. We would literally buy thousands of them within 
>>> the next year.
>> -- 
>> <Davidmvcf.jpg>

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