A & B hooked to the same polarity on each client?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kade Sullivan via Af 
  To: af@afmug.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:10 AM
  Subject: [AFMUG] PMP450 3.65 Oddities

  So I have our second 450 3.65 AP up, and every single AP at this site is 
showing a ~10dbi gap between the 2 polarities on the Uplink side of things 
(from the SM's perspective).

  The strangest part is that the 10db gap seems to go back and forth between 
the A side being the stronger signal and the B side.  It seems random, and I 
have included a shot of each of the link status pages on this AP.  All these 
SMs are in the same general geographic area, within 10 degrees of each in 
relation to the AP.

  You can see the top SM here actually has the A side with a better signal, 
while the other 4 show a B side with the higher signal.  What in the crap is 
going on here.  Do we have a bad antenna on the AP?

  I can't seem to make any sense of this at all.  All these SMs have the same 
KP reflector, and they have all been visited twice to ensure they are peaked.

  I'm at a loss here.

  Help me AFMUG!

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