Assuming we did have the fiber what would be an accurate number for everything 
needed to hang a bts. Earlier in your comments you said about $275 per cpe?

Sent while mobile

> On Feb 21, 2015, at 5:07 AM, Patrick Leary <> 
> wrote:
> Neighborhood style micro pop would be doable. Not sure the economics would 
> work  though and that's be a lot of backhaul unless you had fiber hung, ala 
> the cable cos, which could well support a strand-mounted micro pop model. $8k 
> won't get you there either; that would be too good to be true.
>> On Feb 21, 2015 2:05 AM, "Ryan Ray" <> wrote:
>> Also could this be something interesting for a neighbourhood style install? 
>> Place a BTS nearby and cover 4km and have 400Mb/s to use for ~$8k? Just 
>> seems too good to be true really.
>>> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 10:56 PM, Ryan Ray <> wrote:
>>> How many CPE's can one BTS handle? Can you post a webinar showing a system 
>>> setup and an overview of the BTS and the CPE? Any special licensing 
>>> requirements for Canada or the US? Any QoS on board / OOB management?
>>> If I wanted to buy today how would I do that?
>>>> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 5:42 PM, Patrick Leary 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Yes. Yes, you can:
>>>> Beamwidth of the sectors? Your call TJ. Our preference is Alpha Wireless 
>>>> brand antennas. Expensive. Very high quality with excellent front to back 
>>>> ratios. Their 4 port dual pol.dual slant 65 degree antennas roll off 
>>>> nicely at 3dB and essentially provide a 120 pattern. Wanna see what a 
>>>> really nice F to B looks like? We like the 65s, because at 18dBi they 
>>>> maximize power density and, as always, are simply good design because they 
>>>> minimize the ambient noise they hear.:
>>>> <image.png>
>>>> Max range?:
>>>> Currently our latest LTE rev has its ranging up to 39 km before it losing 
>>>> timing. At 30 km (18 miles) we can do full modulation with true (as in 
>>>> Fresnel-based true) LOS. So all day long -75 at 30 km LOS. NLOS" we all 
>>>> know the only thing in common with our understanding is the inability to 
>>>> see the other side due to "trees." How many trees, the trajectory, the 
>>>> tree type, etc. defines the reality. THAT SAID, what we've learned is the 
>>>> WHATEVER you can do with 900 where YOU are, you can do a tab better in 
>>>> range with our 3.65 GHz and at much higher capacity. Now that might mean 
>>>> you hit a -83 with your 900 MHz and we are -91, but even at that I'm doing 
>>>> over 7 Mbps DL.
>>>> Total per sector throughput?:
>>>> As it ships today, about 100 Mbps in a 20 MHz channel. When both carriers 
>>>> are active, 200 Mbps. In about 15 months, if connecting in higher mods, 
>>>> that will double with MU-MIMO, so 400 Mbps per BTS, or 1,200 Mbps in a 3 
>>>> BTS tower.
>>>>  Msrp or street price aprox?:
>>>> Street price? Maybe about $6,800 per BTS, but that's not the full answer, 
>>>> which is more complex. I'm happy to do a dedicated one-on-one webinar with 
>>>> anyone, or all of you.
>>>> Availability? :
>>>> Terrible right now. Our increase in business has hurt availability and our 
>>>> channels are minimal. All our guys are trying to scale to meet the new 
>>>> demand, but it's hell catching up. Our largest partner has seen his 
>>>> business increase over 75% in 3 months. We just brought on ISP Supplies; 
>>>> they've been great, doing every single thing they said they'd do. They'll 
>>>> be scaling up shortly. 
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 8:26 PM, TJ Trout <> wrote:
>>>>> Can we get some basic info on this system ? Beamwidth of the sectors ? 
>>>>> Max range ?, total per sector throughput, msrp or street price aprox? 
>>>>> Availability? 
>>>>>> On Feb 20, 2015 5:11 PM, "Jaime Solorza" <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I see I should have paid attention in math class.  Lol.  I am familiar 
>>>>>> with radios going down to -125dbm from SCADA work.  I had an SA which 
>>>>>> dug down to makes sense.  
>>>>>> Jaime Solorza
>>>>>>> On Feb 20, 2015 3:14 PM, "Patrick Leary" <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It's just the spec Jaime. Nothing to do with LTE on that front. 4x4 
>>>>>>> MIMO adds 3 dB to the uplink. Then, our sensitivity is crazy. We are 
>>>>>>> -75 at QAM64 5/6. That's about 8dB better than most stuff at the same 
>>>>>>> mod and coding, so that 8 dB + the 3 dB on the UL due to 4x4 and that's 
>>>>>>> where much of the NLOS is coming from. The other is power. We are 30 
>>>>>>> dBm PER PORT, so 36 dBm in 4x4. That means we can use most any antenna 
>>>>>>> and get maximum power density. In fact, it'd be rare where you would 
>>>>>>> not have to turn down the power to meet the FCC's 43 dB EIRP at 20 MHz 
>>>>>>> in 3.65 GHz. Compare that to those with only 22 dBm per port and only 
>>>>>>> 2x2, so about 25 dBm max output power. Not a lot of choice there 
>>>>>>> that'll still let you get even to FCC max.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Jaime Solorza 
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> My brain wants to explode...guess I am old school ..never considered 
>>>>>>>> 3.65 or 5 ghz NLOS frequency. .  Sounds exciting.  Good luck Patrick...
>>>>>>>> Jaime Solorza
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 20, 2015 1:18 PM, "Patrick Leary" 
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Friends,
>>>>>>>>> Many of you are receiving marketing ads from many companies that will 
>>>>>>>>> be there at WISP America, all encouraging you to see their wares. We 
>>>>>>>>> are thrilled to join them and to spend time with you, but instead of 
>>>>>>>>> shiny marketing, I thought I'd share with you some raw collected 
>>>>>>>>> quotes from the past few months from the mouths of people 
>>>>>>>>> experiencing Telrad's COMPACT solution.
>>>>>>>>> We look forward to seeing you there. To borrow the words of a 
>>>>>>>>> customer, I have a feeling this is gonna be fun. P.S. - All comments 
>>>>>>>>> below reflect 3.65 GHz at legal power levels.             - Patrick, 
>>>>>>>>> North American Director of BD, Telrad
>>>>>>>>> 1. "We got our first LTE BS up to test yesterday. So far, distance 
>>>>>>>>> and NLOS testing has been impressive. Just for the hell of it, I 
>>>>>>>>> brought a CPE home, set it on my living room table, it connected 
>>>>>>>>> right up at -113 and is consistently delivering 20+Mbps throughput. I 
>>>>>>>>> have a feeling this is gonna be fun. It’s nice to be this excited 
>>>>>>>>> about a wireless product again...Still sitting on the coffee table, 
>>>>>>>>> tweaked the signal a little bit, -108 with 10db SNR. Got 36Mbps 
>>>>>>>>> down/5Mbps Up." - Bryce, Netago
>>>>>>>>> [Note: Those are RSRP numbers, not RSSI. LTE uses RSRP, as its a more 
>>>>>>>>> specific measurement drilling into the subcarrier level. To compare 
>>>>>>>>> to RSSI, just add 30 dB, so -113 RSRP is -83 RSSI.]
>>>>>>>>> 2. "I’m blown away by how much better the reception and range is on 
>>>>>>>>> this system vs the [old] one.  I drove around with the CPE laying on 
>>>>>>>>> my dash and never once dropped the signal from one end of the city to 
>>>>>>>>> the other." City IT manager in a Texas town. Name and city withheld. 
>>>>>>>>> [Note: We do not recommend or advise playing "mobile" with fixed CPE. 
>>>>>>>>> FCC says that's a no go.]
>>>>>>>>> 3. "There are no red flags." - Nathan Stooke, CEO, Wisper Internet
>>>>>>>>> 4. "No way. I don't understand how this is working." - Eric Ozrelic, 
>>>>>>>>> CEO, Webformix
>>>>>>>>> 5. "Gentlemen: This changes EVERYTHING. I’m dumbstruck- It’s like 
>>>>>>>>> showing a very cold caveman fire for the first time - I really don’t 
>>>>>>>>> know how to describe it." - name withheld
>>>>>>>>> 6. "-53 @ 6 miles - No Line of Sight. Tech is at the home right now 
>>>>>>>>> and cannot believe Telrad picked up." - Daniel Moore, CEO, Unggoy
>>>>>>>>> 7. "You have all been class acts!  The whole team has been awesome." 
>>>>>>>>> - Eric Flanery, Engineer, First Step Internet
>>>>>>>>> 8. "I've been in this business for 8 years and I've never seen 
>>>>>>>>> anything like this." - name withheld
>>>>>>>>> And I'll close with this pic of a 2.5 mile CPE at -67 and zero LOS. 
>>>>>>>>> Courtesy of Jorge Santiago, CTO, BridgeNet
>>>>>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>>>>>> Patrick Leary
>>>>>>>>> Director BD, North America, Telrad
>>>>>>>>> 727.501.3735
>>>>>>>>> [this address is only for AFMUG]
>>>>>>>>> [this is my corporate address]
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Patrick Leary
>>>>>>> Director BD, North America, Telrad
>>>>>>> 727.501.3735
>>>>>>> [this address is only for AFMUG]
>>>>>>> [this is my corporate address]
>>>> -- 
>>>> Patrick Leary
>>>> Director BD, North America, Telrad
>>>> 727.501.3735
>>>> [this address is only for AFMUG]
>>>> [this is my corporate address]

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