Cool. So what about the ePTP vs PTP mode? What's the difference? ePTP is auto-ranging and PTP is not? Does one give lower or more stable latency?

I have some ePMP PTP links now that are in flexible mode. Latency is decent, less than 10ms average RTT on most of them. But all of them give me brief spikes of 40, 100, and even >300ms here and there. If either of the PTP modes gets rid of that, I would like to know, and I don't care if a little bit of throughput is lost as a result.

On 3/11/2015 2:26 PM, Sakid Ahmed wrote:
Just a quick note on the enhanced PTP mode of operation -

You will see lower latency in most deployments as compared to the TDD & Flex mode of operation. However, in high interference coupled with long distance environments the flexible mode will do better in terms of tput. At this time, this is per design but we will be addressing and incorporating some of the good stuff from our TDD/Flex mode of operation into the enhanced PTP to bring back the tput in the above conditions. Please note that we are also working on a 2.5ms frame to reduce latency in the PMP mode of operation.


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