Sounds like someone should read Atlas Shrugged

> Why not.  If the government wants to help commerce, it should help
> commerce.
> If they can pay farmers for not farming, they should pay WISPS they injure.
> If they wipe out service providers they should be forced to buy them out.
> Just like imminent domain.  You want my field for your highway, buy it.
> Building a dam that wipes out my farm, buy it.  There is an implied
> covenant
> of good faith and fair dealing whenever the government does a deal.  This
> is
> part of contract law everywhere.  The the government is one party, the
> people are the other.  It is not good faith or fair dealing to hurt the
> people.
> >We don't pay buggy-and-whip tax on our cars either.
> Actually  you do, federal excise tax on tires...
> Jared

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