Do you think he would pass up deals of personal relevance though?

On Nov 10, 2016 4:47 PM, "Chuck McCown" <> wrote:

> I think Trump is more immune to influence buying sweetheart deals than any
> other president we have had.  He truly has “f*ck you” money and is not
> beholden to the party.
> *From:* Jon Langeler
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:40 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics
> When you have a non-politician that wins the office, and with a budget
> that's less than half of the Democratic Party, these things are further
> developed AFTER the win. That concept itself is a good thing! The problem
> with career politicians is they learn 'the system'. And before you know it,
> they all do about the same thing. Nothing changes.
> Jon Langeler
> Michwave Technologies, Inc.
> On Nov 10, 2016, at 12:00 PM, Bill Prince <> wrote:
> I don't agree with either of those statements. The trumpster lies because
> of ignorance. Maybe that's not quite lying, but perhaps just stupidity. Oh
> yeah. Let's get a stupid president. Hell, I've witnessed him telling one
> lie in the subject of a statement, and a practically opposite lie in the
> predicate. His attention span is too short to remember where he started.
> And if the ACA has helped "no one", what do you call the 22,000,000 people
> with coverage today?
> A lot of negative press has been written about the ACA, but I haven't
> heard one, not one, proposal on how to make it better. Who's fault is that?
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 11/10/2016 8:44 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
> It is a matter of the quality of the lies.  Trump lies about himself, his
> worth, his accomplishments etc.  All driven by his meglomania.
> Bill and Hillary are part of an evil global conglomerate.  I am willing to
> bet they have knocked off 500% more of their enemies than Trump has.
> *From:* Bill Prince
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 9:37 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics
> There is also the small matter of the 70-something law suits (currently)
> filed against the trumpster. The guy is a bigger criminal than the Clintons
> or the Bushes combined. He also lies a verified 500% more than Clinton, but
> everyone chooses to ignore all of that.
> Finding lies in the trumpster's statements is a target rich environment.
> Plus the guy only cares about himself. The guy we see today is nothing
> more than a narcissist (
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 11/10/2016 8:24 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
> *From:* Rory Conaway
> I’ll bite.
> 1)      Climate change has scientists on both sides of the argument, both
> with very good evidence behind them.  The next question is whether it’s man
> caused which it partially is, but to what extend.
> Pollution bad, irrespective of climate.
> 2)     It’s clear that Hillary and Obama’s policies have been a massive
> failure so it’s time to do something different.
> Obama launched more drones with bombs than anyone in the history of the
> universe.  Hard to tell if this has been good or bad for us.  Will Trump
> launch them like Obama?  Time will tell.  Have we had more attacks on our
> homeland with Obama in office?  Nothing big and coordinated like 9/11, that
> is for certain.  Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
> 3)      He didn’t win because of fear, he won because the Globalists, the
> corrupt, and the anti-American attitude in Washington divided this country
> and were selling out and destroying our core values.  In addition, they
> were bankrupting the country at the same time.   Liberals attacked everyone
> who didn’t like their policies and half the country said enough was enough.
> I think he won because half the country could not stand the thought of
> listening to her voice for 4 years.  Kinda like mars attacks.  I was going
> to get a recording of “Indian Love Call” for protection.
> 4)      Hillary is a lying criminal, Bill a rapist and sexual predator,
> and you think Trump has character problems.
> Trump does have character problems.  He has no filter, he has no sense of
> decorum or diplomacy.  He is a megalomaniac.  So he doesn’t have good
> optics.  So what... at least he is new and disruptive.  This could prove to
> be fun.  As for Bill and Hillary, Nixon did bad things too, lots of them
> did.
> 5)      Obama is a whole different story.  That guy has lied from the day
> he took office to his most recent lies about not knowing about Hillary’s
> server.
> We will never know if the Obama administration prevented another 9/11
> attack or not.  I am guessing he was effective.  All upper echelon
> politicians lie.  The pigs gotta keep the sheep calm.
> *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 8:21 AM
> *To:* Animal Farm
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics
> trump calls climate change a hoax... Forget the physics or science... Has
> no foreign policy plan... Sound bites don't cut it... He won because of
> fear by biligaana, period.  Country is very divided because he fueled these
> fears...
> Someone in class yesterday said we should respect him.... Another guy
> responded, Really the way he and others showed respect for Obama...
> I can't respect him for his lack of character... I have stated it
> clearly..
> How ridiculous can he be when his staff cut his tweeter account days
> before election?   Heaven help us when he is charge... I noticed no one
> answered or challenged me about leaving him alone with your wife or
> daughters.... The silence was defeaning... And the public works idea... Who
> the hell is doing all that work right now?   Open your eyes,  visit
> construction sites around the southwest and even Las Vegas... Go to job
> sites.... Facts not bullshit
> On Nov 10, 2016 8:00 AM, "Sam Morris" <> wrote:
> If Clinton said it, that in and of itself is enough to call that statement
> into question.
> On 11/9/2016 12:09 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
> Clinton said we can support
> 600,000 syrian refugees today. Thats 6 percent today of the undocumented
> population we could migrate into

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