It's not a zero sum game.

Also, those same 20% pay close to 90% of the federal income tax burden - even though by definition they earn only 20% of the nation's paychecks.

On 11/10/2016 5:26 PM, Josh Reynolds wrote:
Except the top 0.1% are who he's used to dealing with, and they have the
most wealth.

As of 2012, 400 families in America have over half the nation's wealth.
If you look at the top 20% of earners, that's over 80% of the entire
country's wealth. This is almost 5 year old data, projections show that
in 2018, the top 20% will have over 90% of the country's wealth.

On Nov 10, 2016 5:13 PM, "That One Guy /sarcasm"
< <>> wrote:

    lol, a robust economy and wealthier Americans would benefit him much
    more than any individual deal or group of deals, he makes his money
    off other peoples money, the best way to ensure that happens is to
    ensure those people have access to wealth.

    On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Bill Prince <
    <>> wrote:

        Everything. I mean EVERYTHING is transactional to him. He is
        always looking to see how HE will benefit, to heck with anyone
        else. I do not see how that will change. We will soon see after
        his first major argument in January, February, or March.

        I'm betting that he will devolve into insults and innuendo soon


        On 11/10/2016 2:58 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:
        Be interesting to see the evolution.  You know he loves the
        attention and folks sucking up to him.  Can’t think of a
        better job for that.
        *From:* Josh Reynolds
        *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:49 PM
        *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics

        Do you think he would pass up deals of personal relevance though?

        On Nov 10, 2016 4:47 PM, "Chuck McCown" <> wrote:

            I think Trump is more immune to influence buying
            sweetheart deals than any other president we have had.  He
            truly has “f*ck you” money and is not beholden to the party.
            *From:* Jon Langeler
            *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:40 PM
            *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics
            When you have a non-politician that wins the office, and
            with a budget that's less than half of the Democratic
            Party, these things are further developed AFTER the win.
            That concept itself is a good thing! The problem with
            career politicians is they learn 'the system'. And before
            you know it, they all do about the same thing. Nothing

            Jon Langeler
            Michwave Technologies, Inc.

            On Nov 10, 2016, at 12:00 PM, Bill Prince
            <> wrote:

            I don't agree with either of those statements. The
            trumpster lies because of ignorance. Maybe that's not
            quite lying, but perhaps just stupidity. Oh yeah. Let's
            get a stupid president. Hell, I've witnessed him telling
            one lie in the subject of a statement, and a practically
            opposite lie in the predicate. His attention span is too
            short to remember where he started.

            And if the ACA has helped "no one", what do you call the
            22,000,000 people with coverage today?

            A lot of negative press has been written about the ACA,
            but I haven't heard one, not one, proposal on how to make
            it better. Who's fault is that?


            On 11/10/2016 8:44 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
            It is a matter of the quality of the lies.  Trump lies
            about himself, his worth, his accomplishments etc.  All
            driven by his meglomania.
            Bill and Hillary are part of an evil global
            conglomerate.  I am willing to bet they have knocked off
            500% more of their enemies than Trump has.
            *From:* Bill Prince
            *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 9:37 AM
            *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics
            There is also the small matter of the 70-something law
            suits (currently) filed against the trumpster. The guy
            is a bigger criminal than the Clintons or the Bushes
            combined. He also lies a verified 500% more than
            Clinton, but everyone chooses to ignore all of that.

            Finding lies in the trumpster's statements is a target
            rich environment.

            Plus the guy only cares about himself. The guy we see
            today is nothing more than a narcissist


            On 11/10/2016 8:24 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
            *From:* Rory Conaway

            I’ll bite.

            1)Climate change has scientists on both sides of the
            argument, both with very good evidence behind them.
            The next question is whether it’s man caused which it
            partially is, but to what extend.

            Pollution bad, irrespective of climate.

            2)It’s clear that Hillary and Obama’s policies have
            been a massive failure so it’s time to do something

            Obama launched more drones with bombs than anyone in
            the history of the universe.  Hard to tell if this has
            been good or bad for us.  Will Trump launch them like
            Obama?  Time will tell.  Have we had more attacks on
            our homeland with Obama in office? Nothing big and
            coordinated like 9/11, that is for certain.  Absence of
            evidence is not evidence of absence.

            3)He didn’t win because of fear, he won because the
            Globalists, the corrupt, and the anti-American attitude
            in Washington divided this country and were selling out
            and destroying our core values.  In addition, they were
            bankrupting the country at the same time.   Liberals
            attacked everyone who didn’t like their policies and
            half the country said enough was enough.

            I think he won because half the country could not stand
            the thought of listening to her voice for 4 years.
            Kinda like mars attacks.  I was going to get a
            recording of “Indian Love Call” for protection.

            4)Hillary is a lying criminal, Bill a rapist and sexual
            predator, and you think Trump has character problems.

            Trump does have character problems.  He has no filter,
            he has no sense of decorum or diplomacy.  He is a
            megalomaniac. So he doesn’t have good optics.  So
            what... at least he is new and disruptive.  This could
            prove to be fun.  As for Bill and Hillary, Nixon did
            bad things too, lots of them did.

            5)Obama is a whole different story.  That guy has lied
            from the day he took office to his most recent lies
            about not knowing about Hillary’s server.

            We will never know if the Obama administration
            prevented another 9/11 attack or not.  I am guessing he
            was effective.  All upper echelon politicians lie. The
            pigs gotta keep the sheep calm.

            *From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of
            *Jaime Solorza
            *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 8:21 AM
            *To:* Animal Farm
            *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics

            trump calls climate change a hoax... Forget the physics
            or science... Has no foreign policy plan... Sound bites
            don't cut it... He won because of fear by biligaana,
            period.  Country is very divided because he fueled
            these fears...
            Someone in class yesterday said we should respect
            him.... Another guy responded, Really the way he and
            others showed respect for Obama...
            I can't respect him for his lack of character... I have
            stated it clearly..
            How ridiculous can he be when his staff cut his tweeter
            account days before election?   Heaven help us when he
            is charge... I noticed no one answered or challenged me
            about leaving him alone with your wife or daughters....
            The silence was defeaning... And the public works
            idea... Who the hell is doing all that work right
            now?   Open your eyes,  visit construction sites around
            the southwest and even Las Vegas... Go to job sites....
            Facts not bullshit

            On Nov 10, 2016 8:00 AM, "Sam Morris"
            <> wrote:

            If Clinton said it, that in and of itself is enough to
            call that statement into question.

            On 11/9/2016 12:09 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:

            Clinton said we can support
            600,000 syrian refugees today. Thats 6 percent today of
            the undocumented
            population we could migrate into

    If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your
    team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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