
-----Original Message-----
From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Chuck McCown
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 9:32 AM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Logistics

Guys, we really don't need another week of this.  I have my opinions on all of 
this too but all of us have pretty much stated our opinions multiple times now.
Not picking on you Sam or Bill.  Just the whole group.

We (most of us) are Americans.  We are good sports.
We give the winning team a hi five, say: "good game" and wait until next time.
Mid terms are only two years away.

I am much more interested in the new timing over POE that the 450m is using.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Morris
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 7:26 AM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Logistics

Lawsuit does not equal criminal. I can file a lawsuit against you.
Anyone can sue anyone. Doesn't mean either of them did anything criminal.

Your numbers are how many people are now insured that weren't before are 
derived by the obama administration playing fast and loose with both the 
numbers and the facts involving among other things, what it means (as defined 
by the Census Bureau) to be "uninsured", and how illegal aliens are counted. 
(It also declines to mention the number of people (almost six million) who lost 
insurance since the "A"CA came into law. This fast and loose analysis also 
doesn't take into account people who would've gotten insurance anyway through 
another mechanism, ala their workplace.
Or the fact that two thirds of the coverage increases in 2014 was due to 
expansions in Medicaid (nine million more people obligated to Medicaid, and two 
million more aging into Medicare.) In reality, only about three million more 
got commercial coverage.

Obligating millions of people to Medicaid, or displacing people from 
employer-sponsored coverage and moving them into "A"CA exchanges isn't covering 
people who didn't used to have (arguably better) coverage. You fanboys who 
worship at the obamacare alter would be well-served to listen to coverage 
figures provided by someplace other than RAND or obamacarefacts dot com.

This of course is all in addition to the lies obama repeatedly told "If you 
like your policy you can keep it" and "If you like your doctor you can keep 
him" - both of which he knew were a lie when he said them. (But then, Americans 
were killed in Benghazi over a Youtube video, right?)

On 11/15/2016 6:31 PM, Bill Prince wrote:
> There is also the small matter of the 70-something law suits 
> (currently) filed against the trumpster. The guy is a bigger criminal 
> than the Clintons or the Bushes combined. He also lies a verified 500% 
> more than Clinton, but everyone chooses to ignore all of that.
> Finding lies in the trumpster's statements is a target rich environment.
> Plus the guy only cares about himself. The guy we see today is nothing 
> more than a narcissist.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 11/10/2016 8:24 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
> *From:* Rory Conaway
> I’ll bite.
> 1)Climate change has scientists on both sides of the argument, both 
> with very good evidence behind them.  The next question is whether 
> it’s man caused which it partially is, but to what extend.
> Pollution bad, irrespective of climate.
> 2)It’s clear that Hillary and Obama’s policies have been a massive 
> failure so it’s time to do something different.
> Obama launched more drones with bombs than anyone in the history of 
> the universe.  Hard to tell if this has been good or bad for us.  Will 
> Trump launch them like Obama?  Time will tell.  Have we had more 
> attacks on our homeland with Obama in office?  Nothing big and 
> coordinated like 9/11, that is for certain.  Absence of evidence is 
> not evidence of absence.
> 3)He didn’t win because of fear, he won because the Globalists, the 
> corrupt, and the anti-American attitude in Washington divided this 
> country and were selling out and destroying our core values.  In
> addition, they were bankrupting the country at the same time.   Liberals
> attacked everyone who didn’t like their policies and half the country 
> said enough was enough.
> I think he won because half the country could not stand the thought of 
> listening to her voice for 4 years.  Kinda like mars attacks.  I was 
> going to get a recording of “Indian Love Call” for protection.
> 4)Hillary is a lying criminal, Bill a rapist and sexual predator, and 
> you think Trump has character problems.
> Trump does have character problems.  He has no filter, he has no sense 
> of decorum or diplomacy.  He is a megalomaniac.  So he doesn’t have 
> good optics.  So what... at least he is new and disruptive.  This 
> could prove to be fun.  As for Bill and Hillary, Nixon did bad things 
> too, lots of them did.
> 5)Obama is a whole different story.  That guy has lied from the day he 
> took office to his most recent lies about not knowing about Hillary’s 
> server.
> We will never know if the Obama administration prevented another 9/11 
> attack or not.  I am guessing he was effective.  All upper echelon 
> politicians lie.  The pigs gotta keep the sheep calm.
> *From:*Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] *On Behalf Of *Jaime Solorza
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 10, 2016 8:21 AM
> *To:* Animal Farm
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Logistics
> trump calls climate change a hoax... Forget the physics or science...
> Has no foreign policy plan... Sound bites don't cut it... He won 
> because of fear by biligaana, period.  Country is very divided because 
> he fueled these fears...
> Someone in class yesterday said we should respect him.... Another guy 
> responded, Really the way he and others showed respect for Obama...
> I can't respect him for his lack of character... I have stated it 
> clearly..
> How ridiculous can he be when his staff cut his tweeter account days
> before election?   Heaven help us when he is charge... I noticed no one
> answered or challenged me about leaving him alone with your wife or 
> daughters.... The silence was defeaning... And the public works idea...
> Who the hell is doing all that work right now? Open your eyes,  visit 
> construction sites around the southwest and even Las Vegas... Go to 
> job sites.... Facts not bullshit On Nov 10, 2016 8:00 AM, "Sam Morris" 
> <w...@csilogan.com> wrote:
> If Clinton said it, that in and of itself is enough to call that 
> statement into question.
> On 11/9/2016 12:09 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
> Clinton said we can support
> 600,000 syrian refugees today. Thats 6 percent today of the 
> undocumented population we could migrate into citizens...today

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