My Smartmeter is only about 3" in Depth, so there isn't much inside of it. I wasn't home the day when the changed it from the spinning meter, but somehow they were able to do it without turning the power to the house off (UPS never went to battery, and no house clocks reset)

On 1/2/2017 10:29 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
I have never seen one or had one installed, but I believe they somehow control a load but I don't know if the load that they shed is directly connected to the meter or if it only controls a remote contactor. Perhaps you could cause an overheat by rapidly cycling a relay controlling an air conditioner. Sounds more like FUD/Fake news to me.

-----Original Message----- From: Nate Burke
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2017 9:12 AM
To: Animal Farm
Subject: [AFMUG] Smartmeter Security question

I've been reading in the news about the susceptibility of the smartgrid
and related smartmeters.  They talk about how a compromised smartmeter
can be made to explode or catch fire on the side of a house.  I'm just
wondering how this would be accomplished.  Isn't there basically just a
relay and a current monitor in it.  Do they switch the relay on and off
rapidly until it overheats?  It seems like eventually the contacts would
heat up and fuse if that was the case.  Or are they built like a Dr
Doofenshmirtz innator with a self destruct option included.

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