I have not heard of shutting off the whole house or using it for disconnects. The only thing I have hear is shedding A/C loads in a rolling manner for 15 minutes at a time.

-----Original Message----- From: Bill Prince
Sent: Monday, January 2, 2017 10:21 AM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Smartmeter Security question

Supposedly some of the Smartmeters have the ability to turn power on/off
based on grid demand/supply constraints. I don't understand how that
would imply the possibility of an explosion unless the contacts are
seriously undersized. And maybe there are no contacts, perhaps they are


On 1/2/2017 8:12 AM, Nate Burke wrote:
I've been reading in the news about the susceptibility of the smartgrid and related smartmeters. They talk about how a compromised smartmeter can be made to explode or catch fire on the side of a house. I'm just wondering how this would be accomplished. Isn't there basically just a relay and a current monitor in it. Do they switch the relay on and off rapidly until it overheats? It seems like eventually the contacts would heat up and fuse if that was the case. Or are they built like a Dr Doofenshmirtz innator with a self destruct option included.

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