
They state in part:

   /Stevia, the common name for the extract stevioside from the leaves
   of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, is a natural, sweet-tasting calorie
   free botanical that may also be used as a sugar substitute or as an
   alternative to artificial sweeteners. Stevia has been found to
   increase insulin sensitivity in rodent models (Chang, Wu, Liu, &
   Cheng, 2005) and to have beneficial effects on blood glucose and
   insulin levels in human studies (Curi 1986; Gregersen, Jeppesen,
   Holst, & Hermansen, 2004), which suggests it may have a role in food
   intake regulation./

I would say that the jury is out at this point.


On 4/22/2017 1:58 PM, Bill Prince wrote:


On 4/22/2017 1:55 PM, Josh Reynolds wrote:
Stevia does not cause either insulin spike.

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