Never do your own mail if you don't already do it. Maybe everyone here
doing it has found some magic solution but I doubt it. As discussed n this
thread, the users get in the way no matter what your efforts.
I am cynical, but I doubt anyone here is charging enough to make up for
even the support costs much less the per user fees if not doing it
themselves. Having said that, I guess you can go tell your users to sod off
but I doubt many here do that. I could have had 1/5 th the number of
support people had I not had email. What a pile of steaming poo email is to
support. My guess would be that you would have to have upwards of 50k paid
mailboxes to start to get ahead on the expenses. I am not even sure stupid
users would even let that work.
I probably tried to provide a higher quality service than anyone should for
email. Email users, by their own actions, not their words, demand an
extremely low level of support. Charge enough for the support they demand
and they'll go elsewhere. They want gmail prices (free) but have someone to
call and bug the crap out of when they are to stupid or lazy to configure
their client no matter what it is installed on. I think maybe you just have
a call flow that says "if you have email trouble push 1, If you ..." When
they press one, refer them to a web site, tell them the settings, curse at
them and hang up. If they call back and press 2 or something the tech
immediately forwards them to the message they would hear if pressing one
without saying a word.
I am glad those of you who still do it have figured it out or don't know
enough about accounting or cost assignment to know how much money you are
losing on it.

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 11:28 PM Steve Jones <>

> We would probably do our own mail if we had enough emails to get a good
> enough rate at rackspace to get a good enough rate to do email.
> Also, if we had some eggs we could have ham and eggs, if we had some ham
> On Feb 22, 2018 11:23 PM, "Steve Jones" <> wrote:
>> Youre probably on the dame grandfather pricing we are
> On Feb 22, 2018 10:54 PM, "Rob Genovesi" <> wrote:
> That's their retail price.  You can do much better on a wholesale
>>> agreement - price will probably depend on your quantity.  We got in real
>>> early and got a very good price that may not be available anymore.
>>> As for tech headaches:  yes we have autodiscover set up and that catches
>>> a lot.  The biggest headaches are the uber-non technical that are afraid to
>>> do anything without "professional guidance" (we use that term loosely
>>> around here) or hacked/disabled accounts that need a password reset.
>>> We use Google Apps internally and I love Gmail - was considering
>>> switching to G (before they pulled the plug on the ISP edition).  I polled
>>> some customers about it and we had more than a few customers that were
>>> concerned with Google getting in their pants.
>>> -Rob
>>> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:47 AM, Steve Jones <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> looks like
>>>> around 2 bucks now
>>>> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:31 AM, Matt <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What is the pricing for rackspace email?

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