> Or network on top of network on top of network... turtles.

Close... though more... networks within networks...

Consciousness seems so elusive because it is not an
‘intended’ product of the connectome directly recognising sensory patterns,
consciousness is an extra layer. The interacting synaptic networks produce
harmonics because each is using a specific frequency to communicate with its
logical/ connected neighbours.  The
harmonics/ interference patterns travel through the synaptic network just like
normal internal/ sensory patterns.
Consciousness uses the same internal/ external networks that
are the product of learning through external experiences but… it’s
disconnected/ out of phase from the normal deep pattern recognition processes…
it’s an interference bi-product that piggy-backs/ influences the global thought

It’s similar to hypnotism or deep meditation…cortical
regions learn the harmonics… our sub-conscious is just out of phase, or to be
more precise, our consciousness is out of phase with the ‘logical’ intelligence
of our connectome.

Our consciousness is like… just the surface froth, reading
between the lines, or the summation of interacting logical pattern recognition

Consciousness is just the sound of all the gears grinding.


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