On Friday, November 08, 2019, at 12:15 AM, TimTyler wrote:
> Intelligence measures an agent’s ability to achieve goals in a wide
range of environments".

I have never been able to swallow this proposed definition because
I think it leaves out something important, namely: the idea that
intelligence is a psychological attribute.

"Ability to achieve goals" can easily be affected by sensory abilities,
motor abilities and the use of tools to amplify these. However it is
counterintuitive and/or wrong to argue that such things affect
intelligence. If you give someone a hammer does it make them smarter?
Does cutting off their leg make them stupider? I would argue not.
I have the answer you seek. The motor learning and goal problem solving in a 
new unseen environment and adapting to this problem to be able to solve it is 
the same as internally planning and asking yourself the question and answering 
it, like GPT-2 can do. That's correct, this environment goal achieving using 
motors and tools can ALL be simulated in your brain as a movie. It's faster. 
Safer. You can see multiple futures. You can grow the size of your tool, you 
can be other people, etc. Even speed up the plan lol. Yes I can do that. You 
can too! Images and sounds in your movie simulation are mapping to the real 
world environment problem to solve. You in fact will need to iterate between 
them and do R&D, to get feedback from hypothesises and run tests, trial and 

To say it again, the real world adaptive goal solving is the same as mind 
planning of what you WILL do, so you think first, instead of randomly moving 
like the bots do to learn to walk/run in sims and real world. Also, your 
knowledge can help you, where motor learning alone can't, you can think, hmm, 
if I want to get on top of this boulder to reach the apple tree seed type, I 
may fall like I did on the ladder, and this may make a sound and lions may hear 
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