On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 5:57 PM, James Bowery wrote:
> Sure, you'll have marching morons overpowering the scientific community -- 
> and the marching morons willf frequently be carrying placards saying "Trust 
> The Science" as they crush any opposition. And, sure, they will have been the 
> creatures of the guys who control the the incentives these animals are 
> reinforced by via the dispensation of civilization's positive network 
> externalities in the form of fiat currency issuance.  We see that all over 
> the place.

I know it’s difficult for people to comprehend and confront the evil of what 
was done and most would rather go on living their lives in their oblivious 
dream-state equivocating their perception of it all especially those who 
profited from the whole thing. And I am wrong by calling it a clot shot that 
does do it an injustice. A more accurate term would be kill-shot since the 
clots alone don’t cover all the other detriments related to the spike-protein 
and that whole scenario. If the s-protein was restricted to only those duped 
into taking the shots that would be one thing but the s-protein proliferates to 
the unjabbed and unborn via various means and that is where it gets even more 
sinister….  As well as the whole EUA still in effect with other effective 
treatments banned, see https://c19ivm.org/. And the propaganda, censorship and 
gaslighting of those of us who knew/know what is going on…

The problem is that Scamdemic 1.0 was a trial run and it’s coming back soon. 
The movement is underway to cede multi-national sovereign authority to 
globalist control via this predatory medical tyranny and that will be coupled 
with central bank domination using vaccine passports and CBDC’s without any 
democratic input. Then AI will have full control to clear out the planet of 
excess smart monkeys by 2030… so enjoy it while you’re still able 😊

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