On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 11:18 AM Matt Mahoney <mattmahone...@gmail.com>

> ...
> Maybe AI decides to keep humans around because our energy needs are a tiny
> fraction of what we need.

Think about thinking² as thinking about turning fermions and photons into
experiments to discover -- discover what?  Discover how to turn fermions
and photons into experiments.

Terrestrial chauvinism would have us think rocks are abundant sources of
fermions.  But look at stellar evolution and ask yourself what portion of
the universe outside of stellar gravity wells are rocks?  If the gas giants
are any indication, it makes a lot more sense to use organic fermions to
capture and process photons.  Moreover stellar husbandry holds the promise
of harvesting light elements -- much lighter than silicon -- from deep
within the stellar gravity wells.

Oh, sure, one can imagine stellar husbandry focused on inducing supernovae
to produce the heavier elements, but then one has the problem of refining
the ejecta.

Here's what I think we're actually seeing:

r vs K strategy stages in directed panspermia:

(Asexual, r): a few billion years of “war” between eat-or-be-eaten cellular
mats leading to multicellular specialization (such as slime mold with
fruiting bodies, etc.)

(Sexual, r): several hundred million years of gametes sniffing out and
sizing up each other leading to primate neurons – conflict is primarily
individual vs individual and predatory

(Sexual, K): several million years of more efficient primate neurons
modeling the environment leading to Man – “conspiracy” and gang-formation
becomes a capacity due to neural complexity

(Asexual, K): several thousand years of slime mold-like fruiting bodies
(civilization) suppressing individual vs individual male intrasexual
selection thereby converting Man, the sexual being, and hydrothermal ores,
into hardened spores containing the organic molecules that then enter into
a space-borne eat-or-be-eaten evolution of continual war, reducing the
internal organic beings into constituent molecules as payload

Of course, there is most likely a regime of replicators that never descend
into the gravity wells at all, but it isn't entirely obvious that these
would end up producing what Sexual, K does:  cognition.

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