On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 11:05:15AM -0500, Pei Wang wrote:

> another related topic: the final state. In my paper I said that my system is
> not a TM, also because it doesn't have a set of predetermined final states

A system using S and K combinators isn't a TM at all; totally different
mechanism of computation.  But S and K can emutate a UTM, and a UTM can
emulate S and K.  So they're equivalent for computability theory, and probably
for modern complexity theory.  For real efficiency analysis they all suck. :)

> efficiently. Instead, it means that the system's behavior cannot be
> predicted from the current problem alone.

Only because the "system" isn't the same system that met the last instance of
the same problem.

> where the system report a final answer and stop. Instead, my system reports
> the best answers it finds so far, and continue to looking for better

Sounds like an enumerator, a standard slight modification of the pure TM.

-xx- Damien X-) 

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