This work is a progress along a clearly stated line of research. It is
about ways of managing ambiguity. The dissertation is not about a
complete AGI system, it does not go into machine learning. It is not
about discovering meaning, but analysing meaning: the interpretation
of output is fully specified by a concrete application of the system
(I would call this a symbolic approach).

On 5/8/07, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Lukasz Stafiniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Iddo Lev has a more practical answer:

Just looking at it briefly, it appears to clearly present the many problems
with natural language understanding (i.e. various forms of ambiguity).  Then
it addresses these problems with a huge, complicated set of language rules
that have to be hand coded.  Am I correct?  If so, this approach is not really
new. I would be interested in models that can learn language rules from
unlabeled text.

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