> Re (3) I have often wondered how much time one could really spend
> continuously on working on AGI - refer to the Princeton Instititue of
> Advanced Studies where established geniuses (such as Einstein) were/are
> paid to devote fulltime efforts to thinking but actually not many
> earthshaking ideas have come out of it. Don't we need a lot of 'time
> wasted' on trivia such as a real job, leaking plumbing and family in
> order to have these 1 or 2 hours of creative thinking/work each day?
> Would it help to have consolidated 8 hour or longer blocks each day? Do
> people like Ben, Leitz and Peter (Voss) really have so much time to
> think creatively/design or is my suspicion right that a lot of their
> (your :) time is spent on fundraising, PR, communication, management?

I think I personally spend about 30 hours/week actively focused on AGI,
these days.

However, the rest of my "work time" is spent doing activities that help
in the $$ that pays other members of the Novamente team to work on AGI.
We do have several team members working full-time on AGI R&D.

My total work time is probably about 65 hours a week all total, on average,
though of course for much of the remainder of the week my mind is still
about AGI and other related scientific and technology issues!

I would of course like to see things shift so that I could spend, say, 50
of 30 hours per week on AGI directly.  But as things are now, I am the
leader of Novamente LLC as well as the "head AGI guru."

-- Ben G

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