
The paper cited below is more relevant to Kolmogorov complexity than
Solomonoff induction.  I had thought about the use of subroutines before I
wrote my questioning critique of Solomonoff Induction.

Nothing in it seems to deal with the fact that the descriptive length of
reality’s computations that create an event (the descriptive length that
is more likely to affect the event’s probability), is not necessarily
correlated with the descriptive length of sensations we receive from such
events.  Nor is it clear that it deals with the fact that much of the
frequency data a world-sensing brain derives its probabilities from is
full of non-literal similarity, meaning that non-literal matching is a key
component of any capable AGI.  It does not indicate how the complexity of
that non-literal matching, at the sensation, rather than the reality
generating level, is to be dealt which by Solomonoff Indicution, is it
part of the complexity involved in its hypothesis (or semi-measurs) or
not, and to what if any extent should it be?

With regard to the paper you cited I disagree with its statement that the
measure of the complexity of a program written using a library should be
the size of the program and the size of the library is uses.  Presumably
this was a mis-statement, because it would make all but the very largest
programs that used the same vast library relatively close in size,
regardless of the relative complexity of what they do.  I assume it really
should be the length of the program plus only each of the library routines
it actually uses, independent of how many times it uses them. Anything
else would mean that

To make this discussion relevant to practical AGI, lets assume the program
from which Kolmogorov complexity is computed is a Novamente-class machine
up and running with world knowledge in say five to ten years.  Assume the
system has compositional and generalizational hierarchies providing it
with the representational efficiencies Jeff Hawkins describes for
hierarchical memory.

In such a system much of what determines what happens lies in its
knowledge base,  I assume the length of any knowledge base components used
would also have to be counted in the Kolmogorov complexity.

But would one only count the knowledge structures actually found to match,
or also the ones that were match candidates, but lost out, when
calculating such complexity?  Any ideas?

Ed Porter

-----Original Message-----
From: Jef Allbright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] How valuable is Solmononoff Induction for real world

I recently found this paper to contain some thinking worthwhile to the
considerations in this thread.


- Jef

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