MT:none of you seem able to face this to my mind obvious truth.

Who do you mean under "you" in this context?
Do you think that everyone here agrees with Matt on everyting?
Quite the opposite is true -- almost every AI researcher has his own
unique set of believes.

I'm delighted to be corrected, if wrong. My hypothesis was that in processing ideas - especially in searching for analogies - the brain will search through v. few examples in any given moment, all or almost all of them relevant, where computers will search blindly through vast numbers. (I'm just reading a neuroeconomics book which puts the ratio of computer communication speed to that of the brain at 30 million to one). It seems to me that the brain's principles of search are fundamentally different to those of computers. My impression is that "none of you are able to face" that particular truth - correct me .

More generally, I don't perceive any readiness to recognize that the brain has the answers to all the many unsolved problems of AGI - answers which mostly if not entirely involve *very different kinds* of computation. I believe, for example, that the brain extensively uses direct shape-matching/ mappings to compare - and only some new form of analog computation will be able to handle that. I don't see anyone who's prepared for that kind of creative leap - for revolutionary new kinds of hardware and software. In general, everyone seems to be starting from the materials that exist, and praying to God that minor adaptations will work. (You too, no?) Even Richard who just possibly may agree with me on the importance of emulating the brain, opines that the brain uses massive parallel computation above - because, I would argue, that's what fits his materials - that's what he *wants* not knows to be true. I've argued about this with Ed - I think it should be obvious that AGI isn't going to happen - and none of the unsolved problems are going to be solved - without major creative leaps. Just look even at the ipod & iphone - major new technology never happens without such leaps. Whom do you see as a creative "high-jumper" here - even in their philosophy?

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