> Show me ONE other example of the reverse engineering of a system in
> which the low level mechanisms show as many complexity-generating
> characteristics as are found in the case of intelligent systems, and I
> will gladly learn from the experience of the team that did the job.
> I do not believe you can name a single one.

Well, I am not trying to reverse engineer the brain.  Any more than
the Wright Brothers were trying to reverse engineer  a bird -- though I
do imagine the latter will eventually be possible.

> You know, I sympathize with you in a way.  You are trying to build an
> AGI system using a methodology that you are completely committed to.
> And here am I coming along like Bertrand Russell writing his letter to
> Frege, just as poor Frege was about to publish his "Grundgesetze der
> Arithmetik", pointing out that everything in the new book was undermined
> by a paradox.  How else can you respond except by denying the idea as
> vigorously as possible?

It's a deeply flawed analogy.

Russell's paradox is a piece of math and once Frege
was confronted with it he got it.  The discussion between the two of them
did not devolve into long, rambling dialogues about the meanings of terms
and the uncertainties of various intuitions.

-- Ben

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