Ed Porter wrote:
RICHARD LOOSEMOORE====> There is a high prima facie *risk* that intelligence
involves a significant amount of irreducibility (some of the most crucial characteristics of a complete intelligence would, in any other system, cause the behavior to show a global-local disconnect),

ED PORTER=====> Richard, "prima facie" means obvious on its face.  The above
statement and those that followed it below may be obvious to you, but it is
not obvious to a lot of us, and at least I have not seen (perhaps because of
my own ignorance, but perhaps not) any evidence that it is obvious.
Apparently Ben also does not find your position to be obvious, and Ben is no

Richard, did you ever just consider that it might be "turtles all the way
down", and by that I mean experiential patterns, such as those that could be
represented by Novamente atoms (nodes and links) in a gen/comp hierarchy
"all the way down".  In such a system each level is quite naturally derived
from levels below it by learning from experience.  There is a lot of dynamic
activity, but much of it is quite orderly, like that in Hecht-Neilsen's
Confabulation.  There is no reason why there has to be a "GLOBAL-LOCAL
DISCONNECT" of the type you envision, i.e., one that is totally impossible
to architect in terms of until one totally explores global-local disconnect
space (just think how large an exploration space that might be).

So if you have prima facie evidence to support your claim (other than your
paper which I read which does not meet that standard


Could you please summarize for me what your understandig is of my claim for the "prima facie" evidence (that I gave in that paper), and then, if you would, please explain where you believe the claim goes wrong.

With that level of specificity, we can discuss it.

Many thanks,

Richard Loosemore

), then present it.  If
you make me eat my words you will have taught me something sufficiently
valuable that I will relish the experience.

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