
>  Unfortunately I cannot bring myself to believe this will help anyone new
>  to the area.
>  The main reason is that this is only a miscellaneous list of topics,
>  with nothing to indicate a comprehensive theory or a unifying structure.
>   I do not ask for a complete unified theory, of course, but something
>  more than just a collection of techniques is needed if this is to be a
>  "textbook".

I have my own comprehensive theory and unifying structure for AGI...

Pei has his...

You have yours...

Stan Franklin has his...


These have been published with varying levels of detail in various
places ... I'll be publishing more of mine this year, in the PLN book, and
then in the OpenCog documentation and plans ... but many of the
conceptual aspects of my approach were already mentioned in
The Hidden Pattern

My goal in "Instead of an AGI Textbook" is **not** to present anyone's
unifying theory (not even my own) but rather to give pointers to
**what information a student should learn, in order to digest the various
unifying theories being proposed**.

To put it another way: Aside from a strong undergrad background in CS
and good programming skills, what would I like someone to know about
in order for them to work on Novamente or OpenCog or
some other vaguely similar AI project?

Not everything in my suggested TOC is actually used in Novamente or OpenCog...
but even the stuff that isn't, is interesting to know about if you're
going to work
on these things, just to have a general awareness of the various approaches
that have been taken to these problems...

>  A second reason for being skeptical is that there is virtually no
>  cognitive psychology in this list - just a smattering of odd topics.

Yes, that's a fair point -- that's a shortcoming of the draft TOC as I
posted it.

Please feel free to add some additional, relevant cog psych topics
to the page ;-)

-- Ben

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