On 5/4/08, Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As perhaps you know, I want to organize Texai as a vast multitude of
agents situated in a hierarchical control system,  grouped as possibly
redundant, load-sharing, agents within an agency sharing a specific
mission.  I have given some thought to the message content, and assuming
that my bootstrap English dialog effort actually works, then English
language as an Agent Control Language vocabulary becomes possible at the
more deliberative, higher levels of the hierarchy, when the duration of NL
parsing and generation is small compared to the overall task duration.

Let me offer my naive opinion:

The distributive agents would be owned by different people on the net, who
would want their agents to do *different* things for them.  This occurs

We need to distinguish 2 situations:
A)  where all the agents cooperate to solve ONE problem
B)  where agents are solving their own problems

Your scheme would be useful for A.  But it seems that most AGI users would
want B.  Which problem do you intend to solve?

In case B, your scheme would add a lot of complications and whether it'd
be beneficial or not is rather unclear.


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