Hi Matt,

I am glad you are looking deeply into the issue of how to deploy vastly 
distributed AGI.  I have some follow-up questions regarding your informative 

...but NAT hole punching is not really a solution.  I have a home
router/firewall/NAT that by default blocks all incoming traffic (TCP,
UDP, ICMP) not initiated by me.  I could configure the firewall to open
a port for P2P traffic, but in order to get a peer widely deployed,
there has to be an incentive for users to do so.
I've read the n2n paper and downloaded their software, but not yet actually 
evaluated it.  All my home computers are behind the same NAT/router/firewall 
(i.e. a Netgear Cable/DSL router), so I postponed having to collaborate with 
someone else who is also behind a NAT.  My understanding of n2n is that, like 
you say, each end-user periodically contacts a public, redundant, super node, 
to maintain a lease.  The client opens the TCP socket connection, and the super 
node accepts the connection request.  This behavior should not be a problem 
with a firewall or NAT (Network Address Translation facility in the user's 
router), because the end user behind the NAT has the client role - not the 
server role.   Then the super node can inform each end user's client of the 
other's NAT-provided IP address and port, so that the peers can directly 
exchange packets as though they were servers.  The key point is that initially 
both of them opened a TCP socket as a client;
 they did not accept a connection as a server.   Only so-called symmetric NATs 
would force the super node to relay every packet from peer to peer.   There is 
some downloadable software that will determine whether your NAT is symmetric.  
Mine, like most are not.  With the advent of Skype and other P2P, VOIP 
(Internet phone) services, users are purchasing NATs that are not symmetric, 
but rather support the NAT hole-punching Skype employs.

Matt, given my clarification, would you then agree that you as an end user need 
no firewall or router configuration beyond the defaults to make use of n2n?  Or 
could you please correct my understanding of the n2n paper here.

I also looked at N2N.  It creates a virtual IP layer so it should work
for both TCP and UDP.  However it still needs supernodes with public IP
addresses to set up connections.  It also appears that the software
needs to run at both ends.
I agree that public (i.e. static) IP addresses are needed for the super nodes, 
and I agree that n2n software is required for each peer user.  As long as the 
super nodes are not relaying any TCP messages between peers (e.g. those behind 
symmetric NATs), then I believe that a few redundant super nodes can support a 
vast number of clients, in the same fashion as the Network Time Protocol is 
deployed.  My plan is deploy Texai in a distributed fashion with minimal need 
on centralized infrastructure and also at the lowest possible cost.  I think 
that I can afford a few dedicated servers at ServerPronto for 30 USD per month 
per server.  Perhaps a couple of these could handle a million Texai clients at 
less than 2,000 lease-renewal connections per second apiece.  I would 
distribute the n2n software as part of the Texai end-user download, as it has 
the GPL license.  A setup wizard would inform the user if they had a symmetric 
NAT - that would require replacement
 before Texai could benefit them.

Maybe for distributed AI you could get away with not using encryption,
but you will still need some way to authenticate users.  Otherwise your
system is vulnerable to malicious users inserting bogus data or spam
while impersonating another source with a high reputation.

The n2n software fully encrypts TCP messages by providing a VPN (Virtual 
Private Network).  So this should not be a problem right?  Texai will have to 
provide a user authentication facilty anyway to attach credentials to what a 
user teaches it, and also to safeguard private information designated by the 

Thanks for the advice.

Stephen L. Reed

Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704

----- Original Message ----
From: Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2008 1:43:20 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] organising parallel processes

--- Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matt (or anyone else), have you gotten as far as thinking about NAT
> hole punching or some other solution for peer-to-peer?

Yes, but NAT hole punching is not really a solution.  I have a home
router/firewall/NAT that by default blocks all incoming traffic (TCP,
UDP, ICMP) not initiated by me.  I could configure the firewall to open
a port for P2P traffic, but in order to get a peer widely deployed,
there has to be an incentive for users to do so.

I looked at Skype.

Their approach (as of 2004) to initiate a connection is to first try
UDP, and if that is blocked by a firewall, then try TCP on a high port
number, and then on ports 80 and 443 which aren't usually blocked.  If
none of these work (like trying to contact me), then both peers have to
relay messages through a supernode with a public (not necessarily
static) IP address that admits at least one of these ports.  I would
have to continually poll supernodes to see if I have any incoming

This is convenient because users can run Skype without reconfiguring
their firewalls.  However it adds traffic to supernodes.  The Skype
software detects if you have a firewall/NAT, and if not, your computer
automatically becomes a supernode and there is no option (as of 2004)
to turn this off.  This creates an incentive to install a NAT, which is
the opposite of what you want.

I also looked at N2N.  It creates a virtual IP layer so it should work
for both TCP and UDP.  However it still needs supernodes with public IP
addresses to set up connections.  It also appears that the software
needs to run at both ends.

A second problem is that Skype is not truly distributed.  There is a
central login server.  Skype traffic is encrypted with AES using public
key RSA to negotiate keys.  However, the login server has to validate
the public keys.  The problem is fundamental to public key
cryptography.  I can publish a public key so that anyone can send me
encrypted messages that only I can read.  However, this does not stop
people from saying "I'm Matt and here is my public key" to read
messages intended for me.  The Skype login server prevents this

SSH has this problem too.  To set up a secure server, I register my
public key with a "trusted authority" which can vouch that I am really
me by signing my key.  Another authority has to vouch for it,
ultimately leading to a chain of certificate authorities leading back
to a root authority like Verisign or Microsoft.

Maybe for distributed AI you could get away with not using encryption,
but you will still need some way to authenticate users.  Otherwise your
system is vulnerable to malicious users inserting bogus data or spam
while impersonating another source with a high reputation.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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