On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote:
> From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeltsin
> "Boris Yeltsin studied at Pushkin High School in Berezniki in Perm Krai. He 
> was fond of sports (in particular
> skiing, gymnastics, volleyball, track and field, boxing and wrestling) 
> despite losing the thumb and index
> finger of his left hand when he and some friends sneaked into a Red Army 
> supply depot, stole several
> grenades, and tried to dissect them.[5]"
> But to be fair, Google didn't find it either.

I've had a play with this.
I think you are asking the wrong question.   See - It's your fault!  :)

The Yeltsin article doesn't say that he was a world leader.
It says he was President of Russia.

The article doesn't say he lost 2 fingers.
It says he lost a thumb and index finger.

So I think you are expecting quite a high level of understanding to
match your query with these statements.  If you ask "which president
has lost a thumb and finger?". Then Powerset matches on the second
page of results but Google matches on the first page of results.
(Google is very good at keyword matching!) Cognition is still confused
as it cannot find 'concepts' to match on.

The Powerset FAQ says that it analyses your query and tries to extract
a 'subject-relation-object' which it then tries to match. They give
examples of the type of query they like.
what was banned by the fda
what caused the great depression

The Cognition FAQ says that they try to find 'concepts' in your query
and match on the 'concept' rather than actual words. i.e. The text
"Did they adopt the bill?"; is known by Cognition to relate to
information about "the approval of Proposition A", because "adopt" in
the text means "to approve", and "bill" in the text means "a proposed
So it looks like they don't have concepts for 'world leader =
president' or 'thumb and index finger = 2 fingers'

NLP isn't as easy as it looks!  :)


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