On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:58 AM, YKY (Yan King Yin) <

> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> We are talking about 2 things:
> >> 1.  Using an "ad hoc" parser to translate NL to logic
> >> 2.  Using an AGI to parse NL
> >
> > I'm not sure what you mean by "parse" in step 2
> Sorry, to put it more accurately:
> #1 is using an "ad hoc" NLP subsystem to translate NL to logic
> #2 is building a language model entirely in the AGI's logical
> language, thus reducing the language understanding & production
> problems to inference problems.  Which also allows life-long learning
> of language in the AGI.
> I think #2 is not that hard.  The theoretical basis is already there.
> Currently one of the mainstream methods to translate NL to logic, is
> to use FOL + lambda calculus.  Lambda expressions are used to
> represent "partial" logical entities such as a verb phrase.

How hard #2 is, depends on how hard the resulting inference problems are!!

Reducing NLP problems to very hard inference problems, is fairly easy.

Reducing NLP problems to tractably easy inference problems, is very hard!!!

-- Ben G

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